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Order From Chaos: Glorifying God in Our Housework
Even in the mundane tasks of cleaning and maintaining our homes, we can image God in his work of bringing order and beauty to the world.
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Church History?
Jesus alone is the true hero of history, but he still saves and uses flawed men and women to accomplish his purposes.
A Better Answer to Our Fears
Motherhood may give us much to be afraid of, but hoping in the God who created us, loves us, and promises us a brighter future is the answer to all our fears.
Two Truths & a Lie About Feelings
Feelings are one way we reflect God’s image, but they can also get out of control. We need the truth that God is in charge, not our feelings, to transform our feelings into a beautiful display of Christ’s work in us.
Mothering a Rebellious Heart
I ask them to pick up their toys, yet they keep playing. I ask them to share, instead they scream at each other. I tell them it’s time to read the Bible or do our catechism questions, instead I’m met with cries of protest or disdain. My words, commands, and correctives often fall on deaf ears. And I feel defeated...
My kids disobey because they need new hearts, not because I am a bad parent. The great predicament of the Israelites is that no amount of effort on their part was going to make them obey. The same is true for my kids. God had to give his children new hearts, and he must do the same for mine.
This reality about their heart and disobedience shouldn’t anger me (as it so frequently does)—it should soften me towards them and make me long for God to grant them repentance and hearts that desires holiness. So often I am angry that they disobey me, rather than broken that their cold, dead hearts hinder their obedience yet again.
Disobedience is our natural bent. We see it with the Israelites. We see it with our kids. And we see it in ourselves. We need the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to change our natural desires into what doesn’t come naturally to us—a desire to do what is right...
Hope for Pregnancy and Infant Loss
October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month and we at Risen Motherhood want to recognize all of you who have lost a child too soon. Below you'll find a selection of articles, posts, music and podcasts that we pray encourages a mom in the midst of grief. Just click on the links at the bottom of each quote to go to the original source.
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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