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Praying the Word: When You’re Headed to Work
God’s Word can help reset our hearts to his purposes and promises as we launch another busy day of work.
Praying the Word: When Gratitude Doesn’t Come Easily
Scripture helps us cultivate hearts of thanksgiving and worship to God, even through times of trial.
Praying the Word: When You’re Thinking Through Social Media Use
When we’re struggling to steward social media well, God’s Word helps us examine and redirect our habits, motivations, and influences.
Praying the Word: When You Fear the “What-ifs”
When we fear the unknown, we can pray to the Lord—he is our hope now and forever.
This Summer, Go Deep
With a little thought and planning, the summer can be a great opportunity to guide our children toward a deeper walk with Christ.
Prayer Guide for R|M Day of Prayer
At Risen Motherhood, we'd love for you to join our team for a Day of Prayer for moms across the world who are struggling with various effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Friday, April 24, once every hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CST we want moms to pray for other moms around the world.
A Necessary Ally
What happens when we feel more like we’re wilting than blooming in motherhood? We remember God is our strong helper, and we trust him with the blooming fruit.
Theology is for Moms of Little Ones, Too
With four young children, a moment of quiet or predictable consistency is hard to come by. Even with my best efforts to be organized and intentional, it’s still difficult to stay engaged in regular bible study, to disciple women, to fellowship regularly with other believers, or to serve in ways that pull me out of my home. The desire is there, but so are the dirty diapers, the naptime routines, the laundry piles, and the mundane things that keep our family going.
All the distractions, setbacks, and challenges occasionally leave me wondering if theological growth just isn’t possible for a woman in the season of young children. I’ve wondered if I should just shrug at my inconsistent quiet times, and parched prayer life. I’ve contemplated sitting out of the women’s bible study or leaving our calendar free of hospitable meals because it’s just too hard.
So for every mom of little ones who is longing to see her relationship with God as bigger than the elusive “quiet time”, this list is for you.
Susanna's Apron: Six Tips for Prayer as a Mom
Susanna Welsey had 11 children and still found time to pray.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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Get our free prayer resource with thirty days of prayer prompts for mom and fun activities to teach your children too.
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