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How Do I Talk to My Kids about the Trinity?
Sticking close to Scripture and filtering complex doctrines—like the Trinity—through the story of the gospel helps us explain them to our kids in clear and precise ways.
Jesus Loves Me: Simple Truths That Sustain a Mama’s Heart
The simple truths of the gospel are for our children and us—and they bring us hope on our hardest days.
Theological Discernment Matters for Moms Too
God has equipped us with his word and his Spirit to help us discern truth and teach it to our children.
Love Made Us
Too easily we forget who we are. Since God made us, and God is love, we were made by Love himself, which is how we understand who we really are—a beloved child.
You’re a Theologian...But Are You a Good One?
'Theology' can be an intimidating word. For many of us, it calls to mind professors, pastors, or academics tirelessly pouring over ancient books. But it actually means 'the study of God.' So, momma, you're a theologian, and believe it or not, you're raising tiny theologians in your home.
Every day the world around us affects our kids' theology – the shows they watch, the books they read, and the neighbors they play with are all teaching them something about God, his relationship to his people, and his world.
So, the question isn't, 'Are our children theologians?' But instead, 'Have we taken the time to teach them to be good ones?'
Thankfully, God has equipped every one of us to be a student of his word! Each of us – you and me and even our tiny theologians – are able to come to the word of God, to study it with joy and understanding, and to share those rich truths with one other.
Momma, we have the honor and joy of joining with God in the process of raising tiny theologians. Let's teach!
We Become What We Behold
Like anyone, moms are susceptible to the conforming pressures of the world. The world tries to squeeze us into its mold like the play dough in our playrooms.
Conformity comes from the word for “masquerade” – “to wear a mask” or “play a part.”...When our doxology and theology is conformed to the world, it gives the outward appearance of substance without an inward reality...
As we yield our minds to be renewed in the truth, our doxology and theology are transformed. The word reorients and realigns everything we think and do.
Transformation is radical, and sometimes messy, but in the end, glorious! The goal of transformation is to look like Jesus. The word of God (theology) reveals the glory of God (doxology) and the Spirit of God transforms us to be like the Son of God (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).
We are continually becoming what we will be – and what we are becoming is what we behold.
Theology is for Moms of Little Ones, Too
With four young children, a moment of quiet or predictable consistency is hard to come by. Even with my best efforts to be organized and intentional, it’s still difficult to stay engaged in regular bible study, to disciple women, to fellowship regularly with other believers, or to serve in ways that pull me out of my home. The desire is there, but so are the dirty diapers, the naptime routines, the laundry piles, and the mundane things that keep our family going.
All the distractions, setbacks, and challenges occasionally leave me wondering if theological growth just isn’t possible for a woman in the season of young children. I’ve wondered if I should just shrug at my inconsistent quiet times, and parched prayer life. I’ve contemplated sitting out of the women’s bible study or leaving our calendar free of hospitable meals because it’s just too hard.
So for every mom of little ones who is longing to see her relationship with God as bigger than the elusive “quiet time”, this list is for you.
Four Questions to Discern If a Resource Is Edifying
In light of this week's show on discerning if a resource is helpful, edifying and/or gospel-centered, here are some good checks to work through about a particular resource.
Why Your Theology Matters to Motherhood
Mama, your theology matters. No, it doesn't feel like it makes any difference when you are sleep deprived, bouncing a fussy infant, sending a disobedient toddler to time-out, picking cheerio crumbs out of your rug, or wiping up a potty-training accident. But is that really the case? Have you ever stopped to think about how your theology - the belief system that anchors your life - is a subtle guide that directs much of what you do?
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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