Ep. 19 || A Bad Moment Doesn't Have to Make A Bad Day: Redeem Your Day
Even when it seems like you've done everything right as a mom, inevitably, things still don't go your way. Someone disobeys, comes down with a fever, talks back or leaves their toy on the ground for you to step on, and in no time...you blow it. Your hopes for being a perfectly pulled-together mom are dashed for the day, leaving you wondering if there's even any point in trying. On today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about those bad moments that we let define and dominate our whole day. But we don't have to get stuck there, because our identity in Christ means we can keep pursuing holiness. When we finally stop believing that we are "bad mom" or "blow-up mom" or "can't get it together mom" but are "God's beloved daughter, fully redeemed," we can move on with bold purpose. Momma, will you join us?
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