Grief 03: Chronic Pain and Disability in Motherhood—An Interview with Vaneetha Risner
Motherhood has a way of revealing our limits, be it physical, mental, or emotional. When we find ourselves at the end of our abilities, it can be easy to wonder if God has equipped us with everything we need to be a good and faithful mom. In this episode, Emily and Laura sit down with Vaneetha Risner to discuss the topic of chronic pain in motherhood. Whether you suffer from chronic pain or disability, or simply find yourself wondering if you have what it takes to make it through another day of mothering, Vaneetha provides gospel encouragement and perspective for the mom who wonders if she’s ‘enough’ for her children. When we trust that our sufficiency is in Christ, our hearts are freed to steward the gift of motherhood faithfully with what God has given us today.
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