What We’re Still Talking About 02: Interruptions
Have you ever hoped your day would go according to plan? Maybe it’s simply getting a moment to unload the dishwasher without a sibling squabble, or finally having hours on the calendar to finish that work project. Maybe your whole motherhood journey hasn’t gone the way you dreamed or expected. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through a few questions we can ask ourselves as we grapple with inevitable interruptions. As we remember that God is Lord over our days and we willingly receive his plans, we can also trust that what he gives us is ultimately for our good.
Ep. 39 || Infertility, Miscarriage & Motherhood with Courtney Reissig
Despite the sorrows of multiple miscarriages and a two year season of infertility, Courtney Reissig still has faith in God's goodness. An author and speaker, Courtney shares her journey in this interview, discussing the way she found solace in scripture, and she recounts the many blessed but barren women God used throughout redemptive history. If you are in a season of suffering, waiting, or even just enduring life's daily hardships, this episode will be a blessing to you. Courtney's encouraging perspective of God's good plans is a humbling reminder that our loving father is in control of all things.
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