Ep. 155 || How Do I Pray for my Kids?: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Kristie Anyabwile
Prayer seems like one of the most basic parts of the Christian life, but it can also be one of the most confusing. What exactly is prayer? What should we pray for? Are there things we shouldn’t pray for? How do we teach our kids to pray? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss these questions and more with Kristie Anyabwile. Kristie shares from her wisdom and experience, encouraging us to go boldly and confidently to the Lord in prayer. We don’t have to do it perfectly, because we have a perfect Savior who is always interceding for us!
Ep. 61 || Prayer & Motherhood: An Interview With Valerie Woerner
When schedules are full and urgent needs abound, it's a struggle to run to God in prayer. We are hindered by distractions, unrealistic expectations, and even guilt, because we haven't already gone to our Father with our needs. In this episode, Valerie Woerner, joins Emily and Laura in a conversation about how moms can intentionally rely on God through prayer in each season. Valerie is a wife and mom herself, and is the founder of Val Marie Paper, which she started with a heart to provide women with practical tools for consistent prayer. If you are a mom hoping to be refreshed with gospel-truth and practical ideas for prayer, we know you'll be encouraged by this interview!
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