What We’re Still Talking About 06: Discipleship
As moms, we feel the weight of preparing our kids for so many things in life, from the early years of potty training to applying for their first job. But as believers, we also feel the weight of something far greater: the call to train them up in godliness, reminding them that the Bible is true and God is worthy of our obedience. In this interview with Hillary Morgan Ferrer and Amy Davison of Mama Bear Apologetics, Emily and Laura discuss what it looks like to equip our children with a biblical worldview and good critical thinking skills as they engage secular culture. Let’s point our children to the God who is unchanging, real, and true, who can hold them through the storms and pressures of the world.
Ep. 169 || Kids Say the Darndest Things with Trillia Newbell
Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea about diversity to our children, exposing them to different types of people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture—affirming that all people are made in the image of God and should be loved as such.
Ep. 123 || Motherhood is Ministry: How to See and Serve Your Kids
Changing dirty diapers. Providing nourishing meals. Having conversations about patience and self-control. It doesn’t look like an official outreach or job position, but ministering to our kiddos is one way we serve God. In this episode, Emily and Laura share how moms can see and serve their kids. Our individual circumstances are different, but we can all look to Jesus as our perfect example for ministry in everyday life. He worked, traveled, taught, and ate with his disciples to show them what it looks like to obey and love God in all things. Mamas, let’s live a life of ministry too.
Ep. 108 || How Do I Disciple My Children?
Discipleship can be an intimidating task, but it isn’t out of reach for the everyday mom. It’s living out the gospel in front of our kids, teaching and inviting them to follow Jesus with us. In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into how we disciple our kids, asking, “What is it? How do we do it? And why does it seem so difficult?” We get to faithfully teach our kids to love God and share their faith by showing them how we do it. We won’t disciple them perfectly, but we can trust the Holy Spirit to equip us for the task and change our children’s hearts.
Ep. 107 || Grace in Discipline: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Elyse Fitzpatrick
There’s no formula for raising godly children. Instead, we follow the Christ’s example by offering our kids God’s expectations and grace as we disciple them. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elyse Fitzpatrick about faithfulness in the early years of motherhood. Elyse isa wife, mom, and prolific author of many books that apply gospel truths to daily life. While we’re called to faithfully nurture, train, and discipline our children according to God’s word, only Jesus can transform their hearts and teach them to love his design. Let’s give our kids the greatest example of faith by being sinners who run to Jesus with them.
Ep. 104 || Jackie Hill Perry: What Does It Mean To Find Your Identity In Christ?
It’s a phrase we share over coffee, in a text, or at the park, “Find your identity in Christ!” But do we really know what it means? In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jackie Hill Perry. Since coming to know Christ at the age of 19, amidst struggles like gender confusion and same-sex attraction, Jackie has been compelled to share the light of gospel truth through teaching, writing, poetry. Today she’s a wife to Preston and mom to Eden and Autumn and just like the rest of us, sometimes she still struggles to remember her identity in Christ in motherhood. Whether you listen to this one while cleaning the dishes or driving to the office, know that God created us as his image bearers, which means every aspect of our lives is lived for his glory.
Ep. 101 || Resources for Growing in Grace: Good, Better, Best?
Books, podcasts, Bible studies, conferences, articles, and social media—oh my! With so many resources and so little time, how should a mom choose the best resources for her spiritual growth? In this episode, Emily and Laura share how wise use of time on the best resources is a stewardship issue. Our hearts can chase the wrong sources of wisdom and false gods too easily, but through the study of God’s word and the work of the Holy Spirit, we can all grow in wisdom and discernment as we choose excellent resources to fill our time!
Ep. 98 || Motherhood & Music: Remembering the Gospel Through Song
There is just something about music that helps us remember things we’ve learned in a way that other methods can’t match! In this episode, Laura and Emily celebrate our opportunity to worship God through song. No matter what our singing voices sound like, we can all benefit from remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness through shared songs in the Christian faith. By inviting these moments of worship into our homes, we’re able to experience the joy of knowing God and resting in his promises as a whole family.
Ep. 96 || Freedom in Education Choices: An Interview with Jen Wilkin on Public Schooling, Part 4
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel— in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jen Wilkin, a wife, mom, author, and Bible teacher, on her family’s decision to educate their children through the public school system. We all have unique situations when it comes to schooling, but our ultimate consideration is how to honor Christ as we care for our families (and our communities) in the decision making process.
Ep. 95 || Irene Sun on Homeschool: Freedom in Education Choices, Part 3
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel—in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk to Irene Sun, a pastor’s wife, mom, and author, about her experience as a mom who homeschools. Because our identities are found in Christ alone, we have nothing to prove to ourselves or anyone else. This should cause us all to breathe a sigh of relief. The lives of our children are safe in the hands of God.
Ep. 94 || Freedom in Education Choices: An Interview with Melissa Kruger on Private Schooling, Part 2
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel— in our education methods. In this episode, Laura and Emily interview Melissa Kruger, a wife, mom, and writer, on her family’s decision to educate their children through the private system. No matter where we school our children, our responsibility remains to create a gospel-culture in our homes and to trust God’s good work in our children’s lives. School is important, but we are the biggest influencers in our children’s education.
Ep. 93 || How Should We Educate Our Children? The Case for Freedom, Part 1
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel—in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura kickoff our RM month of education with the first of four podcast shows on schooling choices! Deciding how to educate your child reveals a lot of options, opinions, and pressures from both inside and outside of your home. We hope you’ll join us over the next month while we talk about private, public, and homeschooling, and how the gospel gives us freedom to choose, in the context of our own situation, for the glory of God.
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