Ep. 113 || Trusting God with Our Children: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Nancy Guthrie
Every moment in motherhood is an opportunity to trust God. Through suffering, hardships, and difficulties, we have to answer the question, “Is the gospel really true?” In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Nancy Guthrie about faithfulness and hope in motherhood. Nancy is a wife, mom, author, and Bible teacher who experienced deep suffering when she lost two children. We can fret, strategize, and lose sleep over many worries in motherhood, but when we trust God is sovereign and faithful, we’ll see the gospel meets us in every situation.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Holding onto Hope - Nancy Guthrie
Seeing Jesus in Genesis - Nancy Guthrie
Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books - Nancy Guthrie
Seeing Jesus in the Historical Books - Nancy Guthrie
The One Year of Praying Through the Bible for your Kids - Nancy Guthrie
Even Better Than Eden - Nancy Guthrie
What Every Child Should Know About Prayer - Nancy Guthrie
Help Me Teach the Bible (podcast) - The Gospel Coalition & Nancy Guthrie
“God Will Sustain You One Day at a Time” - Vaneetha Rendall Risner
“God Knows What You Don’t Have” - Abigail Dodds
“‘Should Be,’ ‘Would Be,’ and The Hope of What ‘Will Be’” - Abbey Wedgeworth
“Who Do You Trust?” - Charles Spurgeon
God’s Grace in Your Suffering - David Powlison
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R|M Apply Questions:
Motherhood shows us our need for God. There will be hard times, happy times, and everything in between. But we have daily opportunities to deepen our trust in God. While our circumstances are always changing, God is always the same. He is always good, always faithful, and always trustworthy.
We worry, strategize, and lose sleep over hardships in motherhood. How we respond to suffering and fear can reveal a lot about our hearts. Consider a situation in your life that is currently causing you worry or anxiety. What does your response show you’re trusting in? How does God’s character show his sovereignty in this situation?
We can easily act like our children need the gospel more than we do. We can see and call attention to their sin and need for a Savior, but we often dismiss our own or even hide it from our children. While we need to be discerning about what and when we share, we can model repentance for them by being honest about our need for Jesus. What can you share with your children about God’s work in your life and through your struggle with sin?
It’s important we keep the main thing the main thing in parenting. We may not love our children’s preferences, choices, or behaviors, but we need to care about the heart motivations behind them. Think of a current behavior or decision in your child’s life that worries you. How can you connect the behavior to the heart and point their heart to the gospel?
We can mistakenly focus on how a family produced “good” kids (so we can copy them) or “bad” kids (so we can do the opposite). But it’s only God who moves in the hearts of children to bring forth life. Whether your child is a believer or not, how is prayer an important tool?
When motherhood is hard—and it will be hard—ask yourself this question: do I believe God is for me?
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