One to Another: Encouragement from Ministry Friends

In these past ten years of the formal Risen Motherhood ministry, we’ve never just been a solo Emily-and-Laura venture. We’ve had a deep scaffolding of support within—family, church members, close friends, and our R|M Board and Team (who you’ll hear from more in coming weeks). Beyond that, the Lord has provided an army of outside ministry companions to learn from and grow alongside. We’ve stood on the shoulders of seasoned Bible teachers and ministry leaders, benefiting from their wise counsel and years of study. And we’ve run next to countless peers—writing, podcasting, and creating resources on their own platforms—sharing tips and encouragement while navigating the ups and downs of a digital ministry space. 

Because we’ve benefitted so much from these dear partners, we invited several to share words of encouragement with you here. We hope you’ll check out their ministries as well for more great resources to continue growing in gospel motherhood!

Abbey Wedgeworth
@abbeywedgeworth |

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
"Sometimes you just have to manage... and that's okay."

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
He's taught me so much more of his compassion and mercy for both my human frailty and my sin.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
You are not alone and things are not as they always will be. God is at work. He's with you. And his grace is sufficient.

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
Lots of people can write/teach/speak/lead. No one else can be your kids' mom.

Amy Gannett
@amygannett | | |

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
God delights in our faithfulness to him in ordinary, everyday kinds of ways. Motherhood feels like this most days: ordinary. But if I can view my service to my children and family as an act of worship and service rendered to God—a service he takes great delight in—it takes the pressure off of me to be constantly achieving, and it takes the pressure off my kids to give my life meaning.

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
"No good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly" (Psalm 84:11). There is no good thing for you to grasp outside of the limits God has set before you. But when you honor those limits from the Lord—limits of time, resources, energy, wisdom, and more—you will find his goodness chasing you down at every turn. This is the upside down way of God's kingdom.

As Risen Motherhood “the ministry” sunsets, what encouragements do you have for moms as they continue to live their own "risen motherhood" without Emily and Laura in their earbuds?
Press into your local church! None of us were meant to walk the path of motherhood alone. The local church can be a place full of friendship, life, wisdom, and mentorship. And if these things don't exist in your current local church, prayerfully consider being an agent of change and helping foster this kind of community!

Courtney Doctor
@courtneycdoctor |

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
"Your children will have many friends, but only one mother. Be willing to be their mother first and foremost and let the friendship come later."

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
Look into your child's face often and smile. Whether you're nursing, playing, shopping . . . put your phone away and look into their eyes. Let them know you see them and delight in them.

As Risen Motherhood “the ministry” sunsets, what encouragements do you have for moms as they continue to live their own "risen motherhood" without Emily and Laura in their earbuds?
Surround yourself with women of all ages. Seek advice from those who have finished their parenting journey as well as those who are in the thick of it.

Gretchen Saffles
@gretchensaffles | |

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
The greatest ministry you’ll do isn’t online; it’s in real life. In our digital age, it’s easy to fall into the trap of cultivating an online presence while neglecting our real lives and those God has placed in front of us to love and serve. While I believe God is using the internet in extraordinary ways for his glory, we must never forget that faithful ministry begins behind the scenes in face-to-face interactions with our spouses, children, and friends. 

If you are using social media as a tool for ministry, commit to sharing from the overflow of your walk with Jesus rather than from the undertow of trying to keep up or impress others. 

Embrace the beauty of daily ministry that starts in your heart and extends to your home, family, work, and city. You will never regret syncing your life to Christ first and sharing his love with those who see the real you.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
These moments matter. As God is growing your children, he is also forming your heart and growing you in the faith. The mundane and monotonous tasks that make up your days are all opportunities to lean into God’s strength. It’s in the thankless tasks we do every day that we learn to do all things for the glory of God. And it’s in this learning and faithfully serving behind-the-scenes that God transforms our lives and our children’s lives.

Hunter Beless
@hunterbeless | |

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
Love God and you will parent well.

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
The Lord has used motherhood to humble me and increase my dependence on him.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
As far as you are able, do not let the chaos and stress of going to church keep you from gathering with the body.

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
Remember that our first and most impactful ministries exist within the four walls of our homes.

As Risen Motherhood “the ministry” sunsets, what encouragements do you have for moms as they continue to live their own "risen motherhood" without Emily and Laura in their earbuds?
Be the friend that Laura and Emily have been to you!

Jen Oshman
@jenoshman |

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
Do what you can. With what you have. Right where you are.

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
God is faithful through it all. When I fail and falter, he does not. Motherhood has taught me to trust my heavenly Father more and more.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
The small daily deposits truly add up. With young adult kids, I can truly see that more was caught than taught. God used the small, humble things we did every day to shape my grown kids.

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
Don't sacrifice your family for the mission; but DO sacrifice as a family for the mission.

As Risen Motherhood “the ministry” sunsets, what encouragements do you have for moms as they continue to live their own "risen motherhood" without Emily and Laura in their earbuds?
Find moms who are ahead of you, beside you, and behind you within the church and live authentically with them!

Katie Blackburn
@katiemblackburn | 

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
Your children are not a trophy of your performance.

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
Motherhood has humbled me in the most necessary ways, and in that, I have seen God more clearly in his proper place in my life: on the throne.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
You're doing just fine. No one else's kids eat vegetables either.

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
Stay faithful. You are running YOUR race—no one else's.

As Risen Motherhood “the ministry” sunsets, what encouragements do you have for moms as they continue to live their own "risen motherhood" without Emily and Laura in their earbuds?
Nothing is going to matter more than your pursuit of Jesus. Nothing. Your kids will see it. And that will be more impactful than any book, any school, any youth group, anything else. Keep running hard after Jesus.

Maryanne Challies Helms

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
"Always remember that Jesus loves you, and I love you." Being loved like that by an older woman, while being reminded of God's love for me—powerful and life changing. 

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
A well-known hymn summarizes motherhood, and all of life, well: "Yet not I, but through Christ in me." The Lord uses us powerfully to mother our children, but the resources of endurance and patience we need are only because of him and flow from him. 

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
As a woman who led women's ministry for many years while also mothering children at home, always choose the people in front of you if it comes down to running out of energy and strength. And do not feel guilty for not being all things to all women—that is what Christ came to be for us. 

As Risen Motherhood “the ministry” sunsets, what encouragements do you have for moms as they continue to live their own "risen motherhood" without Emily and Laura in their earbuds?
I am so thankful for Laura and Emily—and they'll be missed! For the women who have loyally listened, you now have a chance to be the voices speaking into the ears of women around you. Take what you have been given, and give back generously!

Phylicia Masonheimer
@phyliciamasonheimer | | @everywomanatheologian

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
You don't have to love every season. Some are harder than others, and that's ok! But God is faithful for each one, and he has your kids in his hands.

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
His love has given me the ability to love them in ways I would not be capable of doing in my own strength. I have grown emotionally more resilient and wise because of them.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
Taking care of your home and yourself is a gift to both you and your children. It doesn't have to be one or the other (though it sometimes feels that way). Schedule less "busy" and more margin.

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
Your family is your first ministry, and when we begin to elevate the things that are visible or celebrated, we start to denigrate the unseen work God has called us to in our homes. Keep the main thing the main thing—outdoor ministry is the product of what happens at home.

Portia Collins
@portiawcollins | |

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
Stay the course in every element of ministry that God has called you to. While home life is a priority, it’s not always the only thing God is calling us to. Take some time to really take stock of what God has called you to in this season. Sometimes those other ministry opportunities feel hard, uncomfortable, or even inconvenient. It’s easier to say, “Well, I’m doing enough by just focusing on my family.” But I want to gently push back on that, because maybe God has gifted you and placed you in those spaces for such a time as this. Maybe he’s using you to disciple, lead, or encourage others in ways you don’t fully see right now. 

Here’s the thing: ministering to your family and serving in other ways God has called you to don’t have to be mutually exclusive. They can coexist beautifully when you’re walking in step with the Spirit. So, my encouragement to you is to remain prayerful. Be intentional about seeking God’s direction and strength. Ask him to help you steward both your home and the other areas of ministry he’s placed before you with wisdom and grace. It’s not always easy, but if he’s called you to it, he will equip you for it. Stay the course. Trust him to lead you as you faithfully serve him in every space he’s called you to.

As Risen Motherhood “the ministry” sunsets, what encouragements do you have for moms as they continue to live their own "risen motherhood" without Emily and Laura in their earbuds?
While it’s hard to say goodbye, I also think there’s something really beautiful about this moment. I see it as a kind of commissioning. For all of us who’ve been blessed by Risen Motherhood over the years, this is an opportunity to take what we’ve learned and start pouring into others. Think about it: they’ve spent years faithfully discipling us, and now it’s our turn to carry that forward. So here’s my encouragement: don’t just sit in the sadness of this transition. Instead, take the truths they’ve shared and let them move you to action. Don’t stop at just being a consumer of great teaching—step into the mission Jesus gave all of us. Go and make disciples. Share what you’ve learned with other women. Walk with them, teach them the things of Jesus, and remind them of the beauty of the gospel. The best way to honor what Laura and Emily have done is to live it out and pass it on. So let’s keep going—living, learning, and sharing the risen life we have in Christ.

Tara Sun Snyder
@misstarasun |

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
When I had my first son and was struggling through the highs and lows of postpartum, I had a sweet mentor mom remind me that I was a whole person. She encouraged me to look to Christ and the fact that through his death and resurrection, I have been made whole. My identity is in him and not just in my motherhood. It eased the overwhelm I felt about motherhood being all-consuming and reminded me that Christ alone is my identity and that bleeds into all I do—including motherhood.

What’s one way God has grown you through motherhood?
To put it simply, God has grown me in flexibility through motherhood. I wrote a whole book on the beauty of surrendering to God and trusting that he's ultimately in control, but I have been stretched in that truth all the more since having my boys. Our days as mothers are not always predictable, and yet, God is still faithful and will use our flexible and humble hearts to ebb and flow with his purposes, even if it doesn't align with our schedules.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
I'm still in those little years (my first is nearly 3, and I have a newborn), but here is what I would say to the mothers in the thick of it like me: They are watching. It may not feel like your discipleship efforts like reading the Bible, singing worship songs, or praying at the dinner table matter, but they do. Their brains are sponges, and their hearts are tender. Keep showing up. You will see fruit through consistency and, most of all, the power of God working through you in your children.

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
Look not to the left or to the right, but look to Jesus who gives you wisdom and discernment in how to order your days and work in ministry. While there is value to learning from other moms in ministry and how they "do it all," you need to find what wisely works for you, your spouse, and your children. Be obedient to God alone.

Whitney Newby
@brighterdaypress |

What's a helpful piece of advice a mentor mom has given you?
"Do the next thing." These four little words, originally made famous by Elisabeth Elliot, have echoed through my mind in the last twelve years of motherhood. When I'm overwhelmed by the state of my house, the demands of motherhood, or even the state of my own heart, I say aloud, "Do the next thing." I then pray for the Lord's wisdom to know what that next thing is and get to work. It makes all of life (and motherhood) feel more manageable.

What encouragement would you give moms in the little years?
While family discipleship in the little years might look and feel chaotic—like no one is listening and like this might be a gigantic waste of time—remember that God didn't ask us to bring about the fruit, only to sow seeds. Keep reading the Bible, singing worship songs, and praying with your young children. Trust God to work in their hearts. 

What encouragement would you give moms in ministry?
When the demands of ministry and motherhood pile up, and you think to yourself, "I can't . . . "—"I can't answer one more question, clean up one more spill, or respond in love one more time"—be intentional about changing your perspective to "But he can." He has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We can trust him to strengthen and equip us for everything he has called us to.


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