At Risen Motherhood, We Believe the Gospel Changes Everything.
In a world full of five-step lists and silver-bullet solutions, moms feel pressure to do it all. But the gospel gives us a better way, lifting our burdens and giving us hope. Join us as we learn to live in light of redemption.
New Here? Here's What You'll Find at Risen Motherhood.
Our Mission
If you hang around here long, you'll see the tagline “gospel hope for moms”—which is exactly what we’re all about. The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. We use the mnemonic device “Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation” to help us remember the message and meaning of the gospel. As you interact with our ministry, you’ll get to know these terms and how they transform your motherhood.
While the gospel has implications for current events and personal choices, our focus isn’t a specific experience of motherhood, a facet of culture, or the news of the week. Instead, we aim to encourage, equip, and challenge moms all over the world to grasp overarching, timeless, transcultural biblical principles, rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ.
As a parachurch organization, we come alongside the church (global and local) in its mission. We never intend to serve as a replacement for the local church or genuine, Christ-centered friendships with the people God has placed around you.
The Risen Motherhood Podcast
The Risen Motherhood podcast follows a mini-series format, where new episodes on a specific topic are released on Wednesdays throughout each series window. It's here that hosts and co-founders Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler discuss relevant topics to everyday motherhood, through the lens of the gospel. From potty training and cooking dinner to social media and work, Emily and Laura touch on a wide variety of topics in a relatable way.
Articles & Think-Pieces
Each week, we create supplemental content with real-life encouragement and practical application that all moms can relate to. Written by moms, for moms, our site features articles from women around the world, sharing what they're learning about the gospel and motherhood

The Risen Motherhood Book
The Risen Motherhood book is a great way to learn the basics of the gospel, the purpose of motherhood, and how to "do what we do." Written by our co-founders Emily and Laura, it will walk you through how they apply the gospel to sixteen common topics moms face in motherhood. It makes a great gift—for yourself or a mom pal. The book comes in three formats: audiobook, ebook, or hardback, and it’s been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese.
Free Bible Study Tools
We've developed free tools and resources to train you in a way of studying the Bible that puts God first, which we call The Abide Method. Visit the page to find beautifully and thoughtfully designed Bible study worksheets, how-tos, and printables for prayer and Scripture memory, all free for your personal use.
Our Recs
We've gathered all our favorite resources for gospel-centered motherhood in one easy place. We list everything from what we use in our quiet times to some of our favorite Easter and Advent traditions. Head here to find a new Bible for your children, kids’ music that won't hurt your ears, or a new book to grow in your role as an intentional mother.
Sign Up For Our Newsletters
Monthly Newsletter
On the first Friday of each month, we publish our monthly newsletter filled with gospel hope from the R|M team, links to new books and resources, and "what we're loving lately." You’ll also be the first to know new announcements!
Weekly Recap
We admit—each week, we push out a lot of content. If you prefer things rounded up and kept in one easy place, you can sign up for our Weekly Recap, which is an email that goes out every Friday with quick links to all our new stuff.
The R|M Resource Library
If you've ever wished for a resource that would help you think through your kids' school choice, whether or not to take a job, or how to pray Scripture over your kids, we have all of this and more in The R|M Resource Library! To receive access to all of our free downloads and printables, sign up for our email list!

For Every Mom
We say it at the beginning of every podcast episode: Motherhood is hard. We know that every mom has different struggles and challenges, and some of you are in significantly hard seasons.
Because of Christ, God meets you exactly where you are. There is hope for you in the gospel. But we also want you to know that there is zero shame in seeking real, tangible help as you walk through certain seasons. That’s why we’ve created a series of resources to encourage and guide you in various seasons of motherhood, with topics such as suffering, new motherhood, burnout, depression, anxiety, overwhelm, self-care, and more.
If you are a mom in a crisis situation, pleasE click herE.
*If you or someone you know is in distress or in an unsafe situation, please seek immediate professional intervention through a medical doctor, licensed counselor, local authorities, or other professional organization.

What People Are Saying…
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You can stream the show directly on our site. You can also listen to podcasts on a variety of platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher, but if you're just getting started with podcasts, the easiest way to start listening is through the Apple Podcasts app, which comes pre-installed on most iPhones and iPads, and if you're on Android, a good app we recommend is “Pocket Casts.” See a full tutorial on how to subscribe to a podcast here.