R|M Team Spotlight
While Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler are the beloved face and voice of Risen Motherhood’s ministry, it takes a small army behind the scenes to produce everything that we’ve been able to offer moms over the years—hundreds of podcast episodes and articles, downloadable resources, social media content, newsletters, resource recs, and more. We’re so grateful for the skills and camaraderie the Lord has blessed this team with over the years and the excellence of the work we’ve been able to partner on together. All glory to God!
As we say our final farewells to the R|M community, we couldn’t go without briefly introducing you to these mighty mamas who have prayed for and labored to serve all of you faithfully for so many years. Without further ado, meet the team!
Amanda Philgreen
Partnerships Manager
Serving R|M for over six years now, Amanda is our chief liaison with donors, sponsors, and other outside ministry partners. She is also our queen of travel and event logistics (and can make a mean conference spreadsheet). Additionally, she’s masterminded our fan-favorite R|M Shop from the very first one back in 2018. We’re so thankful for her care and conscientiousness!
What has been your favorite part of working for R|M?
The mission to share the hope of the gospel with moms around the world is what motivated me to start working for R|M, but it’s the women on our team who live out that mission who will always be my favorite. They’ve allowed me to experience and grow in understanding what it means to live a life transformed by the good news of the gospel: creation, fall, redemption, and consummation.
Share a favorite R|M Memory:
My role at R|M often gives me a front-row seat to God’s kind provision, but one of my favorite memories is when our entire team got to experience an unexpected financial blessing. We had gone out to dinner during our annual retreat, and as our evening was ending, we asked for the bill. Our waiter told us that one of the regulars had already paid it. None of us had expected it, but it was a beautiful glimpse of God’s faithfulness and care.
What’s the best motherhood advice you’ve received?
As a daughter who grew up watching her dad design and build beautiful homes and buildings, I often find myself reflecting on the advice to “Focus on the Foundation.” In building and motherhood, it’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed by all the little details. But Jesus kindly teaches us in Matthew 7:24-27 that when we hear his words and do them, we’re like a wise man who has built his house on the rock. We have strength when chaos and difficulties come our way.
What’s next after R|M, and how can we be praying for you?
When I started at R|M, my youngest was heading off to elementary school and all of my kids were shorter than me! As my time at R|M ends, I’ll have three teenagers, and my oldest will be getting ready to start her senior year of high school! A new season of parenting is about to begin, and I’d appreciate prayer for wisdom and clarity as I look to be available to my family and use my experience at R|M to continue ministering to women.
Annie VanderHeiden
Annie is everyone’s dream editor, and we praise the Lord every day that we get to call her our own! Her eagle eye never overlooks a misplaced comma or spelling error, and she’s our go-to for all things writing and editing. But more than this, she’s brought all of us to tears with her words time and again over her past four years as editor—from newsletter notes to articles, we never want to stop reading her beautiful takes on the gospel in everyday motherhood.
What has been your favorite part of working for R|M?
I have absolutely loved building relationships with hundreds of writers and ministry friends and getting to partner on gospel-centered resources together. Working alongside them, and our insanely sweet and talented team here, has been one of the greatest privileges of my life.
Share a favorite R|M Memory:
We have had so many meaningful conversations and belly-aching laughs whenever our team can be together in person on work trips or retreats. Sharing good meals, strolling the beach, learning from wise mentors, bonding over morning coffee and Bible time—these are moments I’ll remember fondly forever.
What’s the best motherhood advice you’ve received?
As counterintuitive as it sounds, being encouraged to grieve the passing of my old life was actually foundational to my transition into motherhood. It helped me process some of the freedoms and opportunities that had been lost (at least for a season!) and make space for becoming a new kind of woman through motherhood—and learn to experience different, deeper joys now with my kids!
What’s next after R|M, and how can we be praying for you?
I’m still pursuing opportunities but, Lord willing, will continue honing my writing and editing skills in the Christian media/publishing space. I’ll also be releasing my first book (on postpartum) with P&R in 2026 and savoring moments at home with my two littles. I’d love prayer for wisdom and joy in Christ as I trust him with all the unknowns ahead!
Becca Jensen
Business Director
As the first unofficial team member and fellow sister-in-law with Emily and Laura, Becca has been instrumental in the inner workings of R|M from the very beginning. She’s the lynchpin of our leadership team, managing all of our budgets, bills, and legalities, as well as providing administrative support and general ministry oversight. Her wisdom, discernment, and encouragement have been a huge asset and blessing to every member of our team!
What has been your favorite part of working for R|M?
Because Risen Motherhood is an online ministry, I love that there are moms literally all over the world being encouraged to mother in light of the gospel. Periodically, we receive notes from community members telling their story of how the Lord has used Risen Motherhood to encourage them in their own walk with him and motherhood. Getting to hear stories from moms—whether 10 miles or 10,000 miles away—of how the Lord is working in their life brings me so much joy!
Share a favorite R|M Memory:
As a team that is geographically spread out, I always cherish any in-person time we are able to spend together. One of my favorite memories is when we could spend time praying in person with each other. I always felt a new level of closeness as sisters in Christ and friends. We also made time to have fun together, and one of the best ways was through escape rooms! It was always hilarious to watch personalities shine in that environment, and since I’m writing this, it means we made it out each time!
What’s the best motherhood advice you’ve received?
One practical piece that has been helpful in every season I’m in is: look for a way to change your scenery (outside, if possible) when the day isn’t going well. It can be as simple as going in your backyard or doing something that moves your body, like going for a walk (even if you have a parade of children with you). Or maybe head to a park or library, or even just drive for ten minutes to look at something different. Often, the act of a new location forces me to think outside of my circumstances and take the focus off of myself, while providing opportunity to ask the Lord to help my perspective, reset my expectations, and rest in his plan for that day. Getting fresh air, being in creation, and moving our bodies has been helpful for both my kids and myself!
What’s next after R|M, and how can we be praying for you?
My life looks quite different now than it did when I began at R|M years ago. With two teens and a ten-year-old at home, I’ve transitioned from late-night feedings and diaper changes to late-night conversations after getting home from a ball game or school event. I want to be available for my family’s needs this next season. I appreciate prayer as I seek to steward my time well, in a way that serves the changing needs of my family as well as the community we live in. While I don’t completely know what the next season will look like, I’m thankful I can trust the Lord who does and will give guidance along the way.
Jordan Paschal
Marketing & Operations Manager
Affectionately known as our “Team Mom,” Jordan handles all the day-to-day workings of R|M with efficiency and expertise. She joined the team in 2021 and oversees all our marketing initiatives, from copywriting to email campaigns to podcast series and book promos. Jordan also spearheads our newsletters and donor reports. Her organizational and administrative skills are out of this world, and we would all be lost without her!
What has been your favorite part of working for R|M?
It’s such a gift to work for an organization that values whole personhood. Working with this team has looked like so much more than growing as a writer, marketer, and strategist (even though I’ve grown in all of those areas, too!)—more than anything, I’ve received true gospel encouragement from every member of this team countless times. The heart of this ministry flows through their everyday lives, and it’s been such a beautiful, tangible reminder to me that the power of godly community and counsel isn’t found in that influencer you follow or the sermon you listen to online; it’s found sitting across from real people, living life together, and trusting the Lord with it all. I know my relationships with these sisters in Christ will last long after R|M's sunset.
Share a favorite R|M Memory:
It would be impossible to pick just one, so I'll narrow it down to our times together around the table. Our team is spread all across the country, so the times we get together are really special. Whether eating takeout pizza at a picnic table, snacking on charcuterie boards after getting in on late flights, or eating Mexican food for the third meal in a row (we can't resist), the laughs, tears, and pure joy I've experienced breaking bread with these sweet friends will always be a favorite memory of mine.
What’s the best motherhood advice you’ve received?
“A bad moment doesn't have to make for a bad day.” I've recited this to myself so many times after toddler tantrums and after-school meltdowns, when I'm tempted to feel as though the "whole day" has been tainted—and then I remember, there is grace for this moment too. When I'm able to get down at eye level with one of my kiddos, give them a hug, and say, "It's okay; just because we had a bad moment doesn't mean we have to have a bad day," it changes my perspective and theirs. I'm so grateful for a God that allows us to start fresh, again and again.
What’s next after R|M, and how can we be praying for you?
We're expecting our third child a few short months after the R|M sunset (!), so my immediate future will be marked by a return to midnight feedings and diaper changes (and a lot of re-listening to those early episodes of the Risen Motherhood podcast!). As I get back into a normal routine, I hope to continue working with ministries to bring gospel-centered messaging to spaces where it can be hard to cut through—social media, email marketing, and so on. I have seen the Lord grow me so much in this area over my time at R|M, and it's truly a passion for me to think about how I can help Christian ministries and voices operate in these spaces without compromising their message. We will see what the Lord has for me here! I'd greatly appreciate prayers for contentment and peace as I re-enter the little years and learn how to be a mom of three growing kiddos.
Kaitlin Simmons
Lead Designer
You won’t find a sweeter soul than Kaitlin, our resident aesthetics expert. She came on as the first paid team member back in 2017 and has been sprinkling her fairy dust on our design ever since. Kaitlin oversees all our visual content—from social media posts to website pages to printable resources to R|M merch—ensuring that everything serves our community and represents our brand well. She makes us look beautiful!
What has been your favorite part of working for R|M?
The past (nearly) eight years on the Risen Motherhood team have been nothing short of a gift from the Lord. I have had the opportunity to work alongside amazing women that strive to seek after God and spread the gospel with moms around the world. This shared desire has led to incredible collaboration over the years that highlighted so many of our unique giftings. I will miss working alongside these women day in and day out but know our friendships will continue.
Share a favorite R|M Memory:
I have so many memories of our time together over the years. I absolutely love being able to be together as a team; whether that is at a conference or dreaming up plans for the next year, it is just a joy to be together. During our annual retreats, we would gather as a team and have a Bible study together. This time was so simple and sweet—sitting crosslegged on the back patio with warm coffee in hand—yet it knitted our hearts together as a team, and I will cherish those memories.
What’s the best motherhood advice you’ve received?
One of the biggest pieces of wisdom I truly gained was from my time at Risen Motherhood: walk in the freedom of Christ! It is no surprise that we are inundated with so much information as parents. As a new mom, I felt debilitated by doing things the “right” way, whether it was feeding, sleep schedules, or tummy time. As my children have grown, the list has simply changed, but I have found freedom that there is not one way to parent. We seek the Lord, pursue biblical community, and can walk in so much freedom when it comes to choices with parenting.
What’s next after R|M, and how can we be praying for you?
I am not quite sure what the future holds for me and am so thankful that the Lord does! My husband recently started his own design business in the summer of 2023, and I imagine I will be teaming up with him in some creative endeavors. I would love prayer as our family makes this transition and we say a bittersweet goodbye to Risen Motherhood.
Rylee Rosales
Digital Strategist
Rylee lays the welcome mat at R|M’s front door—responding to emails and DMs with warmth and a heart to serve. She’s the brain behind our reels and social media initiatives, continually innovating new ways to care for our community well. Additionally, Rylee programs all our articles, show notes, and podcast episodes. She’s been a beloved member of our team since late 2021, always blessing us with her kindness and humility!
What has been your favorite part of working for R|M?
Honestly, it has all been a dream come true. I laugh when I tell others the story of how many times I applied to work at Risen Motherhood (the answer is three times, friends!), but it’s truly not lost on me how much of a gift it has been to be a part of this team. I’ve gotten to clock in each day and work alongside the best women/mothers/friends to help moms all around the world (myself included) connect their faith with their motherhood. This ministry has changed me, and getting to work at R|M will always remain one of the greatest joys and honors of my life.
Share a favorite R|M Memory:
As a team of moms who work fully remote across the country, my favorite memories have always been when we’ve gotten to be together in person. I’m a lover of simple joys, and getting to meet up on our team retreats for early morning coffee and quiet time (two things that rarely go hand-in-hand in my normal mom-life) was always such a treat. If I close my eyes, I can see us all gathered in our R|M sweatshirts—big cups of coffee in hand—laughing and enjoying time with one another.
What’s the best motherhood advice you’ve received?
Some advice I’ve really benefited from in the busyness of mom life is to leave my Bible open on the counter or somewhere I’ll see it often throughout the day. It seems that, more often than not, at least one of my children wakes up before my alarm goes off in the morning, which can make “quiet time” feel hard to come by. But when I leave my Bible open to a passage I’d like to read or meditate on, I can do so over and over throughout the day anytime I walk by my Bible or have a few minutes of down time!
What’s next after R|M, and how can we be praying for you?
God’s timing is kind, and as I wrap up my role at Risen Motherhood, our family will be counting down the days until we welcome our fourth child. As our family continues to grow, I’d love your prayers for wisdom on what might be next for me work-wise and knowing what will serve our family best. For now, I am looking forward to logging off of social media for a bit (hard to do when you’ve managed social media as your job for the last eight years!) and soaking up all the newborn snuggles.