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The Gift of Loneliness: 3 Ways God Uses Our Desert Seasons
Loneliness in motherhood is an opportunity to draw near to God in faith and trust him to provide the community we need—even if it’s different than we expected.
When You’re Not Enough: 4 Ways to Trust God as a Single Mom
Through the uncertainties and limitations of single motherhood, we can trust that God goes with us—and he will always be enough.
When You’re the Only One Who Calls: Taking Initiative in Friendships
When we’re willing to make the first move in friendship, we can reflect the love and pursuit of our ultimate friend, Jesus.
Moms, We are Not Alone
“Is your husband out of town this week?” she asked.
“Yes. All week. Is yours?” I responded. She nodded.
“Want to come over for dinner?” I asked.
Motherhood is hard enough on a good day. What with the constant multi-tasking, unexpected illnesses, endless pile of laundry, the refereeing of squabbles, teaching the same lessons over and over again, all while trying to keep up with the daily responsibilities and duties of life.
It’s even harder when you feel all alone.
When my kids were young, I had a couple of friends whose husbands also traveled for work or often worked late at night. Having these friends was a lifesaver, literally, because at the time, I was in the midst of post-partum depression aftershocks. We took turns making dinner for ourselves and all our kids. Sometimes we met at a park and then took the kids to their favorite taco place. And when the weeks were especially long, we got together multiple times.
Not only did we keep each other company during those years, but we also encouraged one another in the gospel. We reminded each other of what was true. We prayed with and for each other. We walked with one another through life’s trials and challenges.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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