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Planted in the Love of God: Breaking Free from Performance Anxiety
When we find roots of performance-based identity and idolatry in our hearts (or our children’s), we can turn in faith to the only One who did meet the mark—Jesus.
Motherhood as Metaphor: Rehearsing the Gospel in Our Everyday Moments
As we cradle and comfort those in our keeping, we reflect the greater love of the God who holds us—“like a child with its mother.”
Mine: Why Balancing Motherhood and Self is Not the Answer
When we feel like grasping for “mine” in motherhood, God reminds us that our lives and responsibilities are ultimately his.
Supermom or Imposter? The False Identities of Motherhood
When we feel like we have everything—or nothing—together as moms, the gospel offers us grace and acceptance in Christ.
When Your Past Keeps Creeping Up on You
God offers us healing from our painful pasts not only so we can grow as mothers and be a blessing to our children, but because he delights to make us—his children—whole.
When We’re Not the Woman We Were Before Motherhood
How do we understand ourselves when we realize motherhood has changed us? We look past role, achievements, and platitudes to dig deep into our true identity.
Five Reasons God Made You a Mother
Motherhood works towards something. We just need to ask: is it toward our ends or God’s?
Approaching the Final Exam of Motherhood
We all want an A+ grade for our reputation and our kids’ good behavior , don’t we? But the gospel says our kids aren’t projects to ace, but sinners in need of grace.
Debunking the Ideal-Mother Identity
‘What do people think of me?’
Our attempt to shape the answer to that question can control our lives. It’s often there in the home furnishings we choose, the table we set & the planter we place on the patio. It can be there in the car we drive, the books we read & the places we choose for vacation. By means of our clothes, our weight, our gym routine & the interior of our home, we are so easily driven by a craving for an acceptable answer to that question.
It can begin before our children are born.
As our baby grows within us, we seek advice & do research on how to be the best possible mother. We note what other moms do & how they do it, setting standards for our mothering techniques along the way. Our goal is to distinguish not only good from bad, but better from best.
Sometimes, though, we wind up not only wanting to be the ideal mom but yearning to be known as that mom.
If we live self-conscious lives, we harm those we love most & mar our witness of Christ. And trying to live out an ideal-mother identity makes us critical toward mothers whose parenting choices differ from ours. We silently (or not so silently) judge rather than come alongside them to encourage their efforts to love their children.
It seems counterintuitive, but joy & genuine love result not from being thought well of but by thinking less of ourselves altogether.
As Christ followers, we can toss ‘What do people think of me?’ out the window. That’s because we’re called to ask a different question: What do people think of Christ?
When we’re driven by a concern for how people perceive him, we can live free from the bondage of what people think of us.
As we begin to grasp this truth more deeply, we’ll enjoy the freedom of self-forgetfulness.
Because our identity is in Christ, we have no reason to fear our weaknesses. After all, those weaknesses are the very place where his strength is most powerfully at work.
As we open our hearts & lives, we become a resource of God’s grace & encouragement to the struggling mothers all around us.
Identity in Christ
Have you ever considered how your identity was shaped?
Our identities are who we are at our core. The things that often define us can be connected to our family’s achievements, or possibly our own abilities, the things we’ve accomplished or even failed at.
If you’re anything like me, you take pride in your roles.
I grew up in the church as a preacher’s kid, I was a cheerleader for most of my life, a sorority girl in college, & after graduation, I soon became a wife. After marriage, we unexpectedly struggled with infertility, experienced failed adoptions, then—by the grace of God—became pregnant with twins, & I finally became a mama. Oh, the pride!
Unfortunately, when my marriage shattered, so did my self-esteem.
I became a single mama in 2015 & I was lost, broken, hurting & fearful of how life was going to turn out. I desperately needed the Lord & needed him to redefine who I was, my life, & mend my heart.
Christ constantly challenged the root of people’s identities, but also graciously & freely gave newness to those who believed in him. These pictures of unconditional acceptance, grace, & love caused me to see myself the way he does; in spite of my circumstances or what other people may think of me.
2 Cor. 5:17 tells us, ‘If we are in Christ, we are new creatures and made new.’ Paul is talking about our identities—who we are. Those old labels & attachments rooted in anything besides the work of the Lord will pass away.
As single mamas, it is easy to wear that label & deal with the empowering or negative connotations of it. Although we are doing a two person job alone most days of the week, we have to remember where our true identity lies. Raising our babies alone is what we do, it is not who we are.
Christ was never concerned with job titles & status; he surrounded himself with tax collectors, the sick, prostitutes, & known sinners. He knew who they were & he used their lives for his glory. He came to have a life altering interaction with us that would change what & how we do all things forever.
Out of those truths of who we are, what we do is done differently.
When You Don’t Fit In
These littles of mine certainly stand out.
I was born to a white mother and a black father. And I should mention, I’m one of 7 kids. I had the muscle tone of a seasoned female wrestler and the hair of a trolls doll left in the water too long. As you can imagine, I didn’t quite fit in.
My husband, Oshiomogho, is the youngest son of Nigerian parents who left everything in Africa to bring a few dollars, his older sister, and their rich Nigerian history to Canada.
Soon after we found out we were pregnant, I realized in the Atogwe family, tradition says the grandparents name the babies. The Sloanes, Haydens, Micahs, Chloes, and Whitleys of my dreams were laid to rest.
My son is Oshiolema, and my daughter is Keogena Na’Airah.
They’re both different like their mama was different. Different like their daddy was different.
But I’m elated to assure them that their Savior was different too. Jesus knew what it was felt like to be unlike his peers, and unlike any human that ever lived. He certainly didn’t fit in. And yet, even though he’s different, Jesus securely knows his identity.
Christ proudly stood firm in hs identity, and in a beautiful exchange, Jesus humbled himself, choosing to say whose he is. Fully God, fully man, and the way he lived his life here on earth speaks powerfully about who he is.
Whether or not we fit in—if we are accepted or rejected—the deep desire to be understood is fulfilled when we remember Who is in us and what he has called us to do. As followers of Christ, we are called to be the lights of this world, and I’ve never once known a light to blend into the darkness.
No two of us are alike. We will all face moments where we don’t feel like we fit in-but in Christ we can walk in secure and beautiful identity until we meet him face to face.”
God’s Unexpected Purpose for Motherhood
I don’t need to tell you that motherhood is hard work. It’s physically grueling, emotionally exhausting, and intellectually numbing. But one hardship we often overlook as moms is the challenge it makes to our sense of purpose.
Through the consuming trials of motherhood, we lose many of the earthly ways we used to understand the purpose of our lives before—we may no longer work out of the home, our friendships may change, our relationships with our husbands may differ as we make room for the family, and so on.
Because the challenges of motherhood strip away our old identity markers, we are tempted to replace them by finding our purpose in godly motherhood.
Although godly motherhood is valuable, it is not our purpose. It is not our first calling, but the result of it.
Our purpose is first and foremost to love God more.
Therefore, we don’t wrap our purpose up in our children—or in any other relationship. Roles and relationships don’t define who we are and why we are here. Only one relationship defines us: our relationship with God.
Dear Mommies, we are so much more than the summation of our children. His purpose for your motherhood is that you would know him better, love him more, depend completely on his strength, and understand his faithfulness in a new way.
Where to Next?
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