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A Little Child Shall Lead Them: What Moms Can Learn from Their Children’s Curiosity about Creation
In the curiosity and wonder of our children, we learn to marvel afresh at our Creator and the good world he has made.
Keep Interrupting
In a sea of messages about what we should be and say and do as moms, we desperately need gospel encouragement to “keep interrupting” and redirect our focus back to Christ.
The Work-Life Balance Myth: Looking to Jesus in All That We Do
Instead of chasing after perfect balance between our career and home responsibilities, we can grow in seeing all our work as an investment in God’s kingdom.
Held Together: Finding Rest in the One Who Keeps the Rhythm
When we fail to maintain perfect order and rhythm in our homes and families, we can gratefully lean on the God who holds all things together by his sovereign power.
3 Truths to Remember at the Start of a New School Year
When we or our kids are wrestling with back-to-school worries, we can remember our unchanging God—who was, and is, and always will be . . . faithful.
When Scripture Memorization Meets Us in Our Mothering
When the Word is planted deep in our hearts and minds, we have it at the ready for every challenging moment of motherhood.
The Gift I Didn’t Want to Give My Kids
When loss and grief intersect with our motherhood, we have the privilege of showing our kids that Jesus “is the safest and surest place to run.”
The Nourished Mom
While we can subsist on snacks for a while, our bodies—and our souls—need well-rounded, nourishing meals in order to thrive.
A Letter for the Letting-Go Years
Like any major transition, the letting-go years of motherhood are an opportunity to fix our identity in Christ, live for his glory, and continue investing in the work before us.
A Letter for the High School Years
Through the ever-changing high school years, we can model to our teens a faith that is imperfect, yet dependent on a perfect Savior.
A Letter for the Middle School Years
In the turning point of the middle school years, we can bring all our fears to the Lord and prayerfully depend on him in new and deeper ways.
A Letter for the Elementary Years
Through the elementary years—“the time between”—we can learn to trust God for future fruit in our kids’ lives as we faithfully endure the mundane.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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