Donate in Honor or Memory
of Someone You Love

(Or even to recognize a special milestone!)

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15


You can make a donation to Risen Motherhood to show someone you love and care while reaching women around the world with gospel-hope. By contributing a one-time gift and filling out this form, Risen Motherhood will send a note in your name to your designated recipient.

Please fill out this information form and press submit, and then proceed with your donation by clicking the donate button. Then R|M will hand-match your donation to the card you would like to send.



Card Options

Handwritten Card: $100+ or More One-Time Gift*

Risen Motherhood will send a handwritten note from our team to your designated recipient, notifying them of your gift.

E-card: $50 - $99 One-Time Gift

Risen Motherhood will send an e-card in your name to your designated recipient, notifying them of your gift.

*U.S. addresses only. For any address outside of the USA, we’ll automatically send an e-card.



Many Reasons to Give

In Memory

Take time to remember a loved one who has passed through a contribution to Risen Motherhood. By giving in memory of a parent, grandparent, child, friend, or miscarriage, you’ll honor and recognize the deceased while furthering the gospel mission.

Event or Holiday

Still need a gift for Mother’s Day? Christmas? Or have all your kid’s finally been potty trained? Not sure what to get the momma who has it all for her next baby shower? Recognize special events by making a contribution to R|M. We’ll write the card, and you bring gospel-hope to moms all over the world.

In Honor

Want to recognize your mother for the investment she made in your life? Or your own daughter for the wonderful job she’s doing with the grandkids? Just want to say “thank you?” Make your recognition even more meaningful through a gift to R|M showing your thanks for a special someone’s influence and work in your life.



Thank you for your gift to Risen Motherhood. Please fill out this form to send a card, then click the donate button.