Ep. 25 || Preparing for Birth: Heart Attitudes When Writing Your Birth Plan
With labor on the horizon, we want to do everything we can to prepare for a safe, healthy and stress-free delivery. But what starts as good desires for well-laid plans, can quickly become an unhealthy idol of control. We start to think that if we just get the right method, the right classes, the right scents, the right sounds, the right environment and the right helpers, then we are nearly guaranteed the birth of our dreams. In this episode, Emily and Laura share their high expectations from previous pregnancies, seeking to understand how our good desires intersect with hope in God's good plans. Because ultimately, our identities aren't wrapped up in how we gave birth, but to whom we belong.
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Moms, Jesus is the Hero of Your Birth Story - Victoria Wilson
10 Convictions About Labor and Birth from a Christian Worldview - Gloria Furman
"If you have enough faith..." - Jess Connell
Avoiding Birth Plan Backstabbing - Lindsey Carlson
Better Than a Birth Plan - Jenni Naselli
Bowing Down to Your Birthing Ball?: Dismantling the Idol of the Perfect Birth - Gloria Furman
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