Ep. 171 || Quick Fix
Scroll through Pinterest or eavesdrop in a coffee shop and you might see or hear something along the lines of, “All I need is a whole lotta of Jesus and a little bit of coffee/tacos/Netflix/sleep.” While it’s usually said in jest, we all have little crutches that we tend to rely on when we’re in survival mode. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about potential crutches in motherhood like wine, shopping, or social media. While these things may make us feel good temporarily, only Christ is the source of our greatest and lasting joy. So momma, let’s go back to the cross and fix our eyes on the only one able to sustain, encourage, grow, and help us in every situation—Jesus.
Ep. 91 || Coffee, Wine, & Social Media: Momma, What’s Your Crutch?
Scroll through Pinterest or eavesdrop in a coffee shop and you might see or hear something along the lines of, “All I need is a whole lotta of Jesus and a little bit of coffee/tacos/Netflix/sleep.” While it’s usually said in jest, we all have little crutches that we rely on when we feel like we’re survival mode. In this episode, Laura and Emily talk about the potential crutches in motherhood like wine, shopping, or social media. While they may make us feel a little good for a little while, only Christ is the source of our greatest joy for the longest time. So momma, let’s go back to the cross and fix our eyes on the only one able to sustain, encourage, grow, and help us in every situation – Jesus.
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