Abundance 02: I Don’t Have Enough Time—An Interview with Gretchen Saffles
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep all of the plates spinning? Never missing a school activity, always having the kitchen clean and ready, and even having time to sprinkle in a little self-care . . . and yet, many of us feel our to-do list getting longer by the minute. But what if God actually gives us limits for our good? In this episode, Emily chats with author and mom, Gretchen Saffles, about her own postpartum journey where she experienced discouragement as she saw limitations on her time and capacity. Gretchen also gives some great practical tips for evaluating our priorities and getting into God’s Word, even when you’re busy. Let this Scripture-packed show remind you: there’s only One who can do it all, and he beckons you to rest in him today.
Ep. 48 || Gretchen Saffles: Looking to Christ in Work & Motherhood
When it comes to balancing various roles, Gretchen Saffles has experience with many on her plate! She's a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and an owner of a growing business. In this episode, she shares her journey into life as a working mom, some of the challenges she's faced along the way, and how she's learning to rest in Christ through it all. Gretchen speaks to moms who wonder how they can possibly accomplish all that God has called them to do, encouraging them to pray, "Jesus, be in me all that I cannot be."
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