Moms + Work 07: Let’s Stop Being So Mean
Every mom does motherhood and work a little bit differently. A ton of factors are at play as each woman seeks to honor her own husband, care for children, serve the church, invest in the community, and glorify God in the marketplace. Instead of putting ourselves in another mom’s shoes, seeking to understand her situation or ask questions—we make a snap judgment, deeming her good or bad, faithful or unfaithful with little information. While there is a place for correction and tough conversations, left unchecked, our snap judgments about other moms can fuel pride and cause division. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss practical ways to love moms in our lives, even when we make different choices. When our identity is in Christ and we’re seeking faithfulness in our own lives, we learn from other moms who might do things differently.
Note: Not all moms have the luxury of choice when it comes to balancing day-to-day work and motherhood, and we understand that the consideration to honor our husbands is not applicable for single moms. No matter your season or circumstance, we pray this episode is an encouragement to you.
Moms + Work 06: Be a Problem-Solver—An Interview with Phylicia Masonheimer
Snow days and sick days, unexpected meetings, appointments, and skipped naps—motherhood is full of so-called “distractions” to our work. When these things happen, what is our next move as we seek to honor God in our day-to-day responsibilities? How can we be purposeful as we pursue the work God has given us to do? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author and Bible teacher Phylicia Masonheimer on practical ways to love the work of the home and manage daily demands. As we apply a right theology of work and motherhood to our lives, we can trust the Lord to give us the guidance and strength to run the race marked out for us.
Moms + Work 05: Listening to God's Leading in Work—An Interview with Portia Collins
Where do career dreams fit in with God’s calling on our lives as moms? For most of us, our capacity for income-producing work has likely ebbed and flowed as we’ve transitioned into motherhood, enrolled our kids in school, or added to our families. In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with Portia Collins, founder of nonprofit women’s ministry She Shall Be Called and Partner Development Specialist at Revive Our Hearts, on being faithful in full-time income-producing work, career ambitions, and motherhood. As we ask the Lord what he has for us in each season, we can view all of our work as an opportunity to serve, trusting that he is faithful to give and take for our good and his glory.
Moms + Work 03: Should I Take That Job?
How many hours can we clock each week, and still serve our families well? Should we take that job now that our kids are in school, or pull back as our families grow? Scripture hasn’t given us a one-size-fits-all answer in this area (which means Emily and Laura won’t be able to tell you either!), but we can find help for direction and discernment from God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura outline a few questions to think through when considering turning the knob up or down on income-producing work, particularly if you have the privilege of choice*. To take this show even further, we’ve also created a free workbook filled with gospel-centered questions to help a mom think through their income-producing work. You can find the link to the workbook below! As we navigate these decisions, we can trust that the Lord is our Counselor and Comforter in every season.
*We know not all moms are afforded choice in this area and it's an enormous gift to have options in work. If you are in a season where you long for a change in how you spend your days, please know we've prayed for you, asking God to give you strength to trust him in every season.
Ep. 161 || Work and Motherhood: Finding God’s Faithfulness
All moms have important work to do—work in the home, the community, and the church. But income-producing work can bring unique challenges. So, in this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share about what they’ve learned as they balance work and motherhood, seeking to honor God and serve faithfully in every sphere of life. No matter what kinds of work we do, we can reflect the image of God who is always at work in the world and in our lives.
Ep. 121 || Can You Make Any Life You Want?
Want to start a business? Wondering if you should start traveling for your job or pick up an extra shift? Trying to bend and stretch your schedule to make all your opportunities work? Being able to consider new work responsibilities, ministry roles, or creative endeavors isn’t the norm for everyone, but when we have a choice, it’s a huge privilege to steward. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how to evaluate new or changing career or ministry opportunities. We’re made to work and use our gifts to pass on the legacy of faith in all we do. By tuning our thoughts to God’s word, we can pursue holiness, count the cost of each decision, and lay down our lives for others.
Ep. 110 || Creativity and Motherhood: An Interview with Quina Aragon
Whether you’re the crafty mom who can beautify anything, the mom who is always coming up with fun new adventures, or the mom who feels caught in the doldrums of daily life God’s word teaches that we’re all creative. We’re all image bearers of the Creator. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Quina Aragon—a wife, mom, and artist—on creativity and the gospel. As God’s ambassadors, we’re called to cultivate the earth in order to proclaim his name. Whether we make a delicious meal, comb a child’s hair, or help paint watercolor masterpieces, our creativity fills our homes and communities with the knowledge of the glory of God.
Ep. 83 || Nikki Daniels: Finding Freedom in Christ as a Working Mom
All moms are working moms. We’ve each been called by God to love our families, train up our children, and use our gifts and abilities to glorify him in our unique situations. For some moms, this means they work exclusively in the home. For other moms, this means they work in and out of the home. In this episode, Nikki Daniels, wife, mom of three, and Assistant Headmaster of Advancement at Monte Vista Christian School, reminds us that God values us in every role he calls us to. No matter where we spend our days, our call is to be faithful with what he’s given us. The gospel will always meet a mom where she’s at and offer her the sweet freedom of a woman – not just a mom – rooted in Christ.
Ep. 73 || Ruth Chou Simons: Faithfulness & Work in the Season of Young Children
In the little years, it’s easy to grow weary from sowing seeds without seeing much fruit. When the discouragement bears down, we wonder, “Does this even matter? Would another investment be more worthwhile?” In this episode, Ruth Chou Simons, author, artist and founder of Gracelaced, pours out gospel-rich wisdom from her years of parenting six boys. She discusses how she manages her dreams and motherhood, how she keeps her priorities straight with a blooming business, and offers practical wisdom for a busy mom to grow in her relationship with God. Through years of humble faithfulness, a mom can hope in Christ, even when she can’t see the outcome of her story.
Ep. 48 || Gretchen Saffles: Looking to Christ in Work & Motherhood
When it comes to balancing various roles, Gretchen Saffles has experience with many on her plate! She's a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and an owner of a growing business. In this episode, she shares her journey into life as a working mom, some of the challenges she's faced along the way, and how she's learning to rest in Christ through it all. Gretchen speaks to moms who wonder how they can possibly accomplish all that God has called them to do, encouraging them to pray, "Jesus, be in me all that I cannot be."
Ep. 40 || To-Do Lists & How-Tos: Finding Practical Help in Motherhood
Have you ever felt unequipped for the practical responsibilities of motherhood? You're not alone! Most moms have feelings of confusion and insecurity when it comes to handling the in's and out's of diapering, discipline, and domestic management. In this scenario, most of us will be tempted to avoid the uncomfortable, place blame on our personalities, or put our hope in a "silver bullet" strategy for motherhood. Is there another way? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own insecurities coming into motherhood, and the ways they've grown as moms despite those challenges. Regardless of how well you were equipped for motherhood, God still calls you to trust Jesus and nurture the lives of those around you with joy and effectiveness.
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