Ep. 159 || Keeping Up With Appearances: The Gospel & Makeup
When we say, “The gospel changes everything,” we mean everything! Even the way we think about makeup. Whether you’re a mom who loves it or hates it, wears it or doesn't, exploring our thoughts and feelings about makeup opens a window into our beliefs about beauty and identity. Join Emily and Laura in this episode for some fun conversation and gospel application as they consider how we can rightly enjoy beauty and be good stewards of our bodies, while ultimately finding our identity in Christ.
Ep. 119 || “But This is Just My Personality!”: How Christ Changes Us
Am I an Enneagram 3? A Princess Belle? An INFP? Wait, what are you?! It doesn’t matter if it takes 10 minutes and 100 pop-ups, we’ll click through to learn something new about our personalities. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about why we love learning about ourselves and what role personality profiles should play in our mothering. Digging into who we are can be useful, but our personalities aren’t the full definition of who we are in Christ. God is making all things new, changing and transforming every part of us—personalities included—into the image of Jesus.
Ep. 104 || Jackie Hill Perry: What Does It Mean To Find Your Identity In Christ?
It’s a phrase we share over coffee, in a text, or at the park, “Find your identity in Christ!” But do we really know what it means? In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jackie Hill Perry. Since coming to know Christ at the age of 19, amidst struggles like gender confusion and same-sex attraction, Jackie has been compelled to share the light of gospel truth through teaching, writing, poetry. Today she’s a wife to Preston and mom to Eden and Autumn and just like the rest of us, sometimes she still struggles to remember her identity in Christ in motherhood. Whether you listen to this one while cleaning the dishes or driving to the office, know that God created us as his image bearers, which means every aspect of our lives is lived for his glory.
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