Ep. 159 || Keeping Up With Appearances: The Gospel & Makeup
When we say, “The gospel changes everything,” we mean everything! Even the way we think about makeup. Whether you’re a mom who loves it or hates it, wears it or doesn't, exploring our thoughts and feelings about makeup opens a window into our beliefs about beauty and identity. Join Emily and Laura in this episode for some fun conversation and gospel application as they consider how we can rightly enjoy beauty and be good stewards of our bodies, while ultimately finding our identity in Christ.
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R|M Apply Questions:
What’s your perspective on makeup? Is it something you enjoy, something you do because it seems like you should, something you avoid, etc.? Why do you think you feel this way about it?
Since the fall, we’ve been trying to cover ourselves to hide our sin and shame from God. How might you be using makeup or photo filters as a way to hide and cover yourself?
What might you be communicating to your children about beauty based on the way you use cosmetics and pursue beauty?
While on one hand, we honor the Lord when we’re good stewards of our bodies and take care of them, on the other hand, we can become overly focused on physical appearance and find our identity in it. What might it look like for you to be a good steward of your body while finding your identity in Christ?
As you consider the amount of time, thought, and effort you devote to your outward beauty compared to the time, thought, and effort you devote to growing in the inner beauty of being like Christ, which do you think you value more? What changes might you need to make to prioritize inner beauty?
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