Ep. 127 || Wisdom for the Everyday: Scripture Memory & Motherhood
Sometimes it feels like we can’t finish a thought before a child needs us to grab more water, tie a shoe, or change a diaper. When mom’s brain power is consistently going to urgent things, adding scripture memory into the routine can seem too hard. Who really has time for flashcards? In this episode, Emily and Laura show how memorizing scripture gives us the wisdom we’re craving for the everyday. God’s word renews our minds and transform our lives, which helps us in the carpool line, the kitchen, and every moment of motherhood. God gave us his word as a gift; let’s enjoy it.
Ep. 79 || She Reads Truth: God’s Word Everyday, in Every Season
In the years of little ones, it seems almost impossible to carve out a quiet moment to read our Bibles and pray intentionally. Most moms want to be in the word amidst the busyness, but we just need a little help. This is why founders, Raechel and Amanda, started She Reads Truth – to see women get in the word of God everyday. In this episode, Raechel and Amanda, wives, mothers, and authors, discuss how women need to be rooted in God’s word, taking the first step by just getting started. By changing our expectations of “quiet times” and studying with other women, we can find the refreshing hope of the gospel in the Bible that has relevant application in each season of life.
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