Ep. 159 || Keeping Up With Appearances: The Gospel & Makeup
When we say, “The gospel changes everything,” we mean everything! Even the way we think about makeup. Whether you’re a mom who loves it or hates it, wears it or doesn't, exploring our thoughts and feelings about makeup opens a window into our beliefs about beauty and identity. Join Emily and Laura in this episode for some fun conversation and gospel application as they consider how we can rightly enjoy beauty and be good stewards of our bodies, while ultimately finding our identity in Christ.
Ep. 88 || Momma Needs Her Sleep: Gospel Hope For the Tired Mom
As moms, we spend a lot of time thinking about sleep, like, “Will I get to have it?” and “I can’t sleep – I have too much to do!” From tiny baby bellies to late-night toddler questions, we sacrifice our sleep out of love and service to Christ through caring for our families. In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss how the gospel gives hope to the weary, sleepy mom (most of us, right?). In light of God’s promises to us, we no longer worship sleep as an idol or ignore our need for rest. Instead, Christ has freed us from either extreme, offering us true rest and hope in himself. We may be tired, but we can trust him with our needs.
Ep. 56 || Feeding Our Families & The Gospel
In today's culture, there is much debate about food, from the snacks on your toddler's plate to the liquid in their sippy cup. For every article that advocates for a certain diet, there is another one that says you should avoid it. Even the most research-savvy moms have a difficult time understanding how to love their family well by providing good food (without going overboard). In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss some common heart issues and gospel freedoms surrounding the issue of food. Holding to perfect food standards shouldn't be more important than the connection and fellowship we enjoy during meal times in the name of Christ.
Ep. 33 || Intentional Motherhood Starts At Day One
With near-permanent dark circles under our eyes and a perfected diaper changing routine, it's easy to get lost in the haze of the baby and small toddler stage. Instead of savoring the moment and seeing the opportunities, we rush through, wondering when the "real" parenting is going to start. But God didn't design children with a switch that flips at a certain age, but instead, he begins using mothers to do important gospel-work from the very beginning. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the important foundations laid for future discipleship during infancy and toddlerhood. They also share lots of practical ideas for moms, caregivers, nursery workers, and anyone who wants to be intentional with the moments they share with a sweet little one. God cares for children, and he created babies and toddlers to retain more than we think.
Ep. 21 || Using Naptime Well
Maybe you have kiddos that nap for hours on end, giving you time to balance numerous responsibilities. Or maybe, you go to battle everyday just to get 30 minutes of peace and quiet. Whatever your circumstances, Jesus understands what it's like to be needed, and he also understands laying it all down for the sake of those he loves. On today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common challenges of naptime and how to make the most of the situation. Because ultimately, all of our time belongs to the Lord, and no amount of peace and quiet will provide the lasting peace we crave.
Ep. 19 || A Bad Moment Doesn't Have to Make A Bad Day: Redeem Your Day
Even when it seems like you've done everything right as a mom, inevitably, things still don't go your way. Someone disobeys, comes down with a fever, talks back or leaves their toy on the ground for you to step on, and in no time...you blow it. Your hopes for being a perfectly pulled-together mom are dashed for the day, leaving you wondering if there's even any point in trying. On today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about those bad moments that we let define and dominate our whole day. But we don't have to get stuck there, because our identity in Christ means we can keep pursuing holiness. When we finally stop believing that we are "bad mom" or "blow-up mom" or "can't get it together mom" but are "God's beloved daughter, fully redeemed," we can move on with bold purpose. Momma, will you join us?
Ep. 17 || Taking Back the Last Hours of the Day
Momma, you know that time of the day, because it's marked by a series of recurring events. If you have a baby, they start fussing. If you have toddlers, they start begging for snacks and clinging to your legs. If you have a preschooler, they are bored with all the toys in the whole house. And you? You're exhausted! Oh yeah, and there is still food that needs to be made, a bunch of stuff to clean up, and several hours before bedtime. It's this time of day where most of us crumble (even those of us who were previously in a great mood). But do we have to respond this way? What if our hope in Jesus transformed our response? In today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about how a mom can do more than "just survive" until the end of the day! Because our hope isn't in a peaceful house, but in a person.
Ep. 13 || Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding: How the Gospel Changes the Conversation
Every mom spends a tremendous amount of time feeding their baby. Whether we had carefully laid plans, many choices at our disposal, or the choice was made for us; bringing new life into the world forces to us walk headlong into our first big task as a mom. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their experiences with this issue, shifting the conversation away from judgement and comparison. What would happen if we refused to let our feeding method define our first year with a child, and instead, treasured Christ above all else?
Ep. 08 || Top Knots & Leggings: What Difference Does Your Momiform Make?
This episode is for moms who are struggling to understand how their daily self-care routine impacts their ability to serve their family well. Whether you spend one hour or two minutes pulling yourself together, Emily and Laura discuss the challenges and benefits to "getting ready for the day" (whatever that means to you). How can a mom harness the advantages of styled hair and lovely clothes without shifting her focus onto temporal things?
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