Ep. 167 || Honey, Are You With Me?
Parenting alongside your husband can sometimes feel awkward and bumpy. We want to be intentional, but it can seem like we have wildly different styles and strategies than our spouses! In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into the topic of marital unity. Even though we have different upbringings, personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, God has joined us in marriage for his mission. He designed for us to do it together! Through Christ, we can have humility, forgive one another, refocus on our mission, and live in unity with our husbands as we parent together.
Ep. 107 || Grace in Discipline: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Elyse Fitzpatrick
There’s no formula for raising godly children. Instead, we follow the Christ’s example by offering our kids God’s expectations and grace as we disciple them. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elyse Fitzpatrick about faithfulness in the early years of motherhood. Elyse isa wife, mom, and prolific author of many books that apply gospel truths to daily life. While we’re called to faithfully nurture, train, and discipline our children according to God’s word, only Jesus can transform their hearts and teach them to love his design. Let’s give our kids the greatest example of faith by being sinners who run to Jesus with them.
Ep. 33 || Intentional Motherhood Starts At Day One
With near-permanent dark circles under our eyes and a perfected diaper changing routine, it's easy to get lost in the haze of the baby and small toddler stage. Instead of savoring the moment and seeing the opportunities, we rush through, wondering when the "real" parenting is going to start. But God didn't design children with a switch that flips at a certain age, but instead, he begins using mothers to do important gospel-work from the very beginning. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the important foundations laid for future discipleship during infancy and toddlerhood. They also share lots of practical ideas for moms, caregivers, nursery workers, and anyone who wants to be intentional with the moments they share with a sweet little one. God cares for children, and he created babies and toddlers to retain more than we think.
Ep. 28 || On The Same Team: Getting On The Same Page As Parents
So you read the parenting articles, brushed-up on the books, and did the research to approach a parenting issue intentionally. But, your plans quickly seemed to flop when you realized you were on a totally different page than your husband. How can mom be proactive and make a plan, while honoring, respecting, involving, and coming alongside her husband too? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the easy miscommunication traps we can fall into as parents, and share ideas for getting back on the same team. Mom and dad have the same ultimate goal: to pass along the gospel to the next generation, training up their children in the Lord.
Where to Next?
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