Abundance 04: I Don’t Have Enough Patience—An Interview with Maryanne Challies Helms
In so many moments throughout the day, little hands and hearts demand our time and attention, but we can’t meet everyone’s needs. With the flutter of noise, we grow impatient, our fuse is cut short. But it’s not just these moments that try our long-suffering. Maybe it looks like wading through deep sorrow as you walk through suffering that won’t let up. Maybe you’re growing tired, because you expected your season of life to look different by now, but God still has you in the same place. If patience is a fruit of the Spirit dwelling in us (Gal. 5:22-23), why does it feel so hard to actually be patient? In this episode, Emily chats with her dear friend, Maryanne Challies Helms, on seeing the ways God is training us in patience through our everyday moments as moms. Be encouraged: whatever trial you’re facing today, God has planned it for your growth and his glory—he will not leave you to fight this battle alone.
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