Abundance 02: I Don’t Have Enough Time—An Interview with Gretchen Saffles
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep all of the plates spinning? Never missing a school activity, always having the kitchen clean and ready, and even having time to sprinkle in a little self-care . . . and yet, many of us feel our to-do list getting longer by the minute. But what if God actually gives us limits for our good? In this episode, Emily chats with author and mom, Gretchen Saffles, about her own postpartum journey where she experienced discouragement as she saw limitations on her time and capacity. Gretchen also gives some great practical tips for evaluating our priorities and getting into God’s Word, even when you’re busy. Let this Scripture-packed show remind you: there’s only One who can do it all, and he beckons you to rest in him today.
What We’re Still Talking About 03: Body Image
Whether we make time to sweat-it-out everyday or getting off the couch feels overwhelmingly difficult right now, most moms have noticed that our capacity for physical fitness varies from season to season. We might exercise for our health or because we long to “get our body back” after baby, but what does Scripture say about our motivations and time investments? In this live-recorded episode from The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference, Emily and Laura take a fresh look at what it means to pursue fitness in motherhood through the lens of the gospel. God created our bodies with purpose and intention, each to proclaim his glory—how might we honor his design in that today?
Ep. 23 || Hope After Miscarriage: Two Moms Share Their Stories of Loss & Healing
In this special episode, you’ll hear two moms share their stories of loss and healing. While they are different women with different stories, they both experienced multiple miscarriages before the birth of their first child* in their arms. They both felt tempted to despair and withdrawal as they walked through the grief. But they both found deep comfort and hope in the promises of God as they trusted him, despite the pain.
So whether you have experienced a miscarriage, you know someone who has experienced a miscarriage, or you are just walking through really hard circumstances as a mom, this episode was recorded with you in mind. Our prayer is that these stories would leave you more in awe of God’s love, with a deep desire to hope in Jesus, even in the hard places.
Ep. 13 || Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding: How the Gospel Changes the Conversation
Every mom spends a tremendous amount of time feeding their baby. Whether we had carefully laid plans, many choices at our disposal, or the choice was made for us; bringing new life into the world forces to us walk headlong into our first big task as a mom. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their experiences with this issue, shifting the conversation away from judgement and comparison. What would happen if we refused to let our feeding method define our first year with a child, and instead, treasured Christ above all else?
Ep. 03 || Postpartum Body Image
In this episode Emily and Laura discuss the hard realities of postpartum body image, including reflections from their own experiences. Grab your coffee and listen in to this real life conversation of two moms trying to sort through the lies and struggles that come with expanding hips and waistlines. Stick with it to the end for nuggets of truth to speak to yourself as you cling to your true identity in Christ!
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