What We’re Still Talking About 09: Beauty
Whether from sleepless nights, the loss of discretionary time, or the stress of managing family schedules, the demands of motherhood affect our physical appearance. As we look in the mirror each morning, how can we get ready for the day as stewards, considering how we can glorify God and adorn the gospel? In this live-recorded episode from The ONE Conference, Emily and Laura tackle the topic of aging—from anti-aging creams to coloring grays, expensive foundation to botox, the gospel really does give us the framework we need to shape our beauty regimen. As we shift our eyes away from the mirror and on to Christ, our lives can display the beauty of the gospel to those around us.
What We’re Still Talking About 03: Body Image
Whether we make time to sweat-it-out everyday or getting off the couch feels overwhelmingly difficult right now, most moms have noticed that our capacity for physical fitness varies from season to season. We might exercise for our health or because we long to “get our body back” after baby, but what does Scripture say about our motivations and time investments? In this live-recorded episode from The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference, Emily and Laura take a fresh look at what it means to pursue fitness in motherhood through the lens of the gospel. God created our bodies with purpose and intention, each to proclaim his glory—how might we honor his design in that today?
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