What We’re Still Talking About 09: Beauty
Whether from sleepless nights, the loss of discretionary time, or the stress of managing family schedules, the demands of motherhood affect our physical appearance. As we look in the mirror each morning, how can we get ready for the day as stewards, considering how we can glorify God and adorn the gospel? In this live-recorded episode from The ONE Conference, Emily and Laura tackle the topic of aging—from anti-aging creams to coloring grays, expensive foundation to botox, the gospel really does give us the framework we need to shape our beauty regimen. As we shift our eyes away from the mirror and on to Christ, our lives can display the beauty of the gospel to those around us.
Related Resources from R|M:
Ep. 08 || Top Knots & Leggings: What Difference Does Your Momiform Make?
R|M Podcast Episodes on Beauty
Self-Care that Revives the Soul by Carissa Holzer
Reflecting Glory in our Postpartum Bodies by Lauren Weir
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Risen Motherhood Deluxe
Looking for a step-by-step guide on how to apply the gospel to the everyday moments of motherhood? Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) Available Now!
With more than 100,000 copies sold, the Risen Motherhood book is going Deluxe! This heirloom-quality edition includes a new introduction and extra chapters from authors and co-founders Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler. The new chapters explore how the gospel impacts a mom’s fears, her work at home, and her income-producing work. This special edition will give you or a loved one a stunning keepsake that brings beauty and hope to a mom’s everyday moments.
This mini-series is brought to you by our generous donors.
R|M Apply Questions:
What does your current beauty regimen look like and how does it shape your identity and the way you view yourself?
Read Titus 2:3-5. Are the steps you’re taking to prevent or diminish the appearance of aging paving the way for you to become more like the ‘older women’ Paul outlines in v. 2? What type of daily investments would help you grow into Christlikeness?
Think about 3-5 women who are older than you that you admire. What qualities bring about your admiration? Do any of them relate to physical appearance, or is it their inward beauty / godly qualities that you’re drawn to?
Emily compares our pursuit of beauty to a frame for a painting in a museum—the frame isn’t a distraction, but emphasizes the beauty of the painting itself. How can the ways you care for your physical appearance point to Christ and his love for you?
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