Ep. 44 || Raising More Than Just "Good" Kids
The world tells us to prepare our children to be athletes, successful business people, and helpful citizens; but as Christian moms, we aim for something eternally important. Our goal isn't just to have "good" kids, but to have children that know and love Jesus. We want to help our children not just do what's right on the outside, but to think through honoring God from a right heart. How can we do this well? In this episode, Emily and Laura close out the year with a reminder about our most important mission as moms. Let's finish 2016 well mamas, and go into 2017 with hearts that long to pour rich biblical truth into our children!
Ep. 43 || Serving Others Right Where You're At
Most of us are guilty of being so caught up in our own lives, that we forget to care for the needs of others. We avoid big things like "evangelism" and "ministry" because those are for women with more time and lofty giftings. We think that serving others is going to be too burdensome or too inconvenient. But have we forgotten to just be faithful in the small opportunities God has placed right in front of us? In this episode, Emily and Laura break down the concept of ministry, making it accessible for moms. They discuss how important it is to model a life of serving for our children, and how that doesn't have to mean being a women's ministry director or a street evangelist. Momma, have you looked outside yourself lately and considered that Jesus wants your full participation in the great commission?
Ep. 32 || Gloria Furman: Missional Motherhood
Gloria Furman explains that there are two ways to look at motherhood: through a microscope lens at the daily issues and pressing needs of little children, or from up high; using a telescope to look at the big picture. In this special interview, Gloria explains how we can take the long view, seeing motherhood as not just a helpful social construct, but authored by God for specific purposes. You'll be encouraged as she talks about everything from theology and redemption to lattes and quiet times. If you're wondering how the gospel impacts you in your most difficult moments in motherhood, tune in for some powerful words of truth!
Ep. 12 || Is Your Child's Faith Your Responsibility?
As moms, our greatest hope is that our children come to know and love Jesus, developing a mature relationship with the one true God. We know the best way we can impart our faith on our children is to nurture, teach, model and encourage them in Biblical truths, living out the gospel in our own daily life. But often, that desire is so great, we inadvertently bear the burden of their eternal future on our shoulders, drowning us in guilt, fear and false responsibility. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common pitfalls in trying to "secure" our children's faith, and explain how moms can trust God with our children as we continue to be faithful to the redemption story as we raise our children.
Ep. 11 || What is Mom's Time Worth?
As moms, we have a lot of demands on our time. The world tells us we should "do it all", not leaving room for weakness or balance. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical vision for motherhood, sharing areas of their own lives where they've needed to wave the white flag and find extra support. If you're feeling pressed for time and overwhelmed, listen in for encouragement and practical ideas for organizing your priorities.
Ep. 06 || Momma, You Matter and Here's Why (+ An Announcement!)
This episode is for every mom who needs inspiration and motivation in her calling. Your work and efforts matter, but it can be hard to remember when you're buried in a pile of laundry, buckets of tears and tantrums, or endless bowls of mac and cheese. Today we're sharing the mission of motherhood and why you are making an impact for eternity. (Plus, an announcement about the new look of Risen Motherhood!)
Ep. 01 || Motherhood & The Gospel
Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel impacts motherhood, because it's difficult to stay focused on what matters eternally in a culture prone to promoting mommy guilt. In addition, you'll hear a bit about these blogging sister-in-laws, and how the idea of "Risen Motherhood" became a reality.
Where to Next?
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