Ep. 12 || Is Your Child's Faith Your Responsibility?
As moms, our greatest hope is that our children come to know and love Jesus, developing a mature relationship with the one true God. We know the best way we can impart our faith on our children is to nurture, teach, model and encourage them in Biblical truths, living out the gospel in our own daily life. But often, that desire is so great, we inadvertently bear the burden of their eternal future on our shoulders, drowning us in guilt, fear and false responsibility. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common pitfalls in trying to "secure" our children's faith, and explain how moms can trust God with our children as we continue to be faithful to the redemption story as we raise our children.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Motherhood as a Mission Field - Rachel Jankovic (excerpt from Mom Enough book)
The Mission of Motherhood - Sally Clarkson
Sharing the Gospel With Your Children - Desiring God
Shepherding A Child's Heart - Ted Tripp
Will The Next Generation Know - Sermon from John Piper
The Great Parental Freak-Out - Kevin DeYoung
10 Lessons on Parenting Little Ones - Challies
Interview with Sally Clarkson, she answers the question: "When it comes to the souls of our children, what responsibility do we have, and where do we just let go and trust God with them?"
6 Things New Parents Need to Hear - Barnabas Piper
Resources For Training Children:
Foundations Verses (scripture memory cards for 2-5 year olds)
Music (That won't hurt your ears):
Songs for Saplings, Questions with Answers (Catechisms-focused)
Cedarmont Kids (This one can get a bit old, but the truths are solid and the kids love it.)
Children's Bibles
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