Grief 05: Truths for the Mom Walking Through Grief
Have you ever felt desperate to find something steady in the midst of grief? Someone you can turn to that can hear, see, and truly understand your pain? While our needs in seasons of grief are many and real, from getting proper sleep to eating well and spending time in community, there is only one place we can go that will never fail us or prove untrue: God’s Word. In this episode, Emily reads verses from Scripture that we hope meet and uplift you in sorrow. As you listen to the words of God’s people crying out to him for help, and God’s gracious response to them that he will save and redeem all that has been broken, we pray that these truths from Scripture will be a steady rock when all else feels like sinking sand. Whatever we may be struggling with today, God hears the cries of his beloved people.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.
Abide 04: Truths for the Mom Experiencing Doubt
When doubt creeps in, it can feel suffocating: sometimes it’s in the middle of a mundane chore, other times it consumes our thoughts when we finally get a moment to ourselves. Is there hope when we doubt God? In this episode, Emily reads a collection of verses to meditate on as we navigate doubt in the throes of motherhood. As we reflect on the truths God reveals through his Word, we can cast our cares on him and trust his faithfulness. Because of Christ, we don’t have to hide our fears and questions—we pray these verses remind you that the Lord sustains and provides for his children in every season.
Note: We understand that spiritual doubts can arise from a wide variety of factors and causes. Please keep in mind that some instances of doubt may require professional counseling or pastoral care. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Abide 03: Truths for the Mom Who Wants Joy
Whether we’re brand new moms or have decades of experience in motherhood, we’ve likely all come upon a moment or season when it’s hard to find true joy. When the calendar is filled to the brim with sports practices, our teen makes a cutting remark at the dinner table, another night’s sleep is interrupted, or motherhood just isn’t as picture-perfect as we always imagined, we need a well of joy that never runs dry. In this episode, Laura reads a collection of verses to meditate on as we seek true joy in motherhood. As these truths root deep into our hearts, we’ll see that looking to and thinking about the Lord, his work, and his promises can give us deep joy, even if we still experience grief and pain. We pray these verses bring an eternal hope as you look to him for joy in every season.
Note: We understand that the absence of joyful or hopeful feelings can have a wide variety of factors and causes. Please keep in mind that some instances of persistent sadness or depression may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Abide 02: Truths for the Mom Who Feels Angry
Disobedience, nagging, interruptions, sibling squabbles, an attitude of entitlement, or just toys carelessly left all over the floor—there are plenty of opportunities to feel anger in motherhood. And when anger rises up in us, it’s tough to respond slowly and gently. Fortunately, God’s Word gives us hope and help. In this episode, Emily reads a collection of verses to meditate on when we feel angry as moms. When we fill our minds and hearts with the truths of Scripture, we can remember these words when anger tempts us to sin or despair. Next time you’re doing dishes, driving to work, or making lunches, we pray these verses encourage and transform you. The God of all sees your frustrations—he knows you and loves you deeply.
Note: We understand that anger covers a wide spectrum of responses and feelings. Please keep in mind that some instances and experiences of anger may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Fear 06: The Meditation
When you’re afraid, it’s so helpful to rehearse God’s word. But it can be hard to find a quiet place, or even time, to read and think about what God’s promises mean for your situation. Moms have a lot of demands on their time, so we’ve put together an entire episode designed to help you meditate on God’s word. In this episode, Emily reads a collection of scriptures on fear. So whether you’re scrubbing toilets, driving to work, or even on a walk, we pray these scriptures lift your eyes to the Lord as you face your fears.
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