If prayer is one of the most powerful and
effective things we can do as moms, why don’t we pray more?

Have you grown numb to the power of prayer? Do you find yourself saying: “I’ll pray later, when the kids are older. When I have quiet mornings with kids that sleep in. When my kids can take prayer seriously. When my family’s schedule isn’t so busy.”

But prayer isn’t something to be tucked away for later. It can’t wait. As Christians, prayer isn’t just “recommended” in scripture, it’s a discipline, a way of life, a command. It’s something to cultivate today. Right now, in the midst of school schedules, lessons, practices, naps—all the things—we must be moms who pray. 

Prayer matters. Prayer changes things. There is power when a mom prays. Prayer is how we participate in the work God is doing, where we go to battle against the enemy and gain ground for good. It’s where we find rest, peace, and life for our souls. It’s where impossible odds are realized and miracles come true. So what if we stopped saying “later” and started praying now? What would happen? How would God change you? How might he change your husband? Your children? 

Can you imagine? You’ll never know unless you pray.

Free Downloads

For this mini-series we’ve got the much requested printable for Kitchen Sink Prayers! Last summer, we launched Kitchen Sink Prayers to encourage the R|M community to cultivate a life of prayer. The idea is that each time we’re at a kitchen sink—whether washing hands or dishes, rinsing fruit, or filling a water bottle in the breakroom—we pray. As something that most of us visit several times a day, a kitchen sink can prompt a regular rhythm of prayer in our lives. We took those prayers, added some new ones, and packaged them into a free printable. Plus, we can’t forget the kids! Included in the download are a few fun tools for you to help teach your children how to pray. 

  • 30 Different Kitchen Sink Prayer Cards, each card includes a topic, verse, and several prayer prompts.

  • Two Prayer printables to enjoy with your kids, including the Five Finger Prayers and a Prayer Chain.

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R|M Episodes on Prayer


Related Articles and Resource List

We've rounded up a collection of thought-provoking and encouraging books and articles from Risen Motherhood on the topic of prayer. While we think they're helpful to think through as you grow in prayer, the R|M team does not necessarily agree with or endorse every opinion in these pieces, and they are not always a reflection of our own processes with prayer. Our hope is that they spark good conversation with people in your life and prompt you as you think through prayer in your own life.

Books + Resources

Children Books + Resources

 R|M Articles + Podcast Episodes

 This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway.
We’re so thankful for Crossway’s partnership!