Ep. 72 || Questions, Appointments, Evaluations and Differences: When Your Child Doesn’t Fit the Mold
What does a mom do at the beginning of an unknown journey with a child who doesn’t seem to fit the mold? Whether it’s food allergies, therapy needs, medical concerns, hearing/vision impairments, challenging behaviors or something else; the differences can feel scary and isolating. How can a mom apply the truth of the gospel when she’s not even sure what she’s dealing with? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own personal experiences with kids who don’t fit the mold, and offer encouragement rooted in an unchanging hope available in Christ. In him, we can be confident that all things are for our good and God’s glory.
Articles, Resources, and Related Content:
No Matter What Happens- Emily Jensen (contributor at For The Church)
Though You Slay Me - song by Shane and Shane
Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him - Sally Clarkson
Battling the Bitterness of Parenting a Disabled Child- Christine Hoover (Desiring God)
Disability and the Sovereign Goodness of God - free pdf download (John Piper)
Hope and Stay - Abigail Dodds' blog with lots of resources on special needs
Grace quote from Kathy Keller - The Gospel Coalition Instagram feed
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