What We’re Still Talking About 08: Children with Differences
Have you ever felt a little awkward when your child asks you about someone with a disability? As moms, we want our kids to show kindness and compassion toward everyone, but it can feel tough to know how to address a topic that we ourselves don’t feel fully equipped for. In this episode, Emily and Laura provide four foundational truths we can use to help our children understand disability and what it looks like on this side of heaven. Laura also shares more about her new children’s book, Like Me. Whether your children are typically-developing or disability is woven into your family, God has created every one of us in his image with purpose and beauty—by his grace, we are far more alike than we are different.
Mentioned on the Show:
Ep. 72 || Questions, Appointments, Evaluations and Differences: When Your Child Doesn’t Fit the Mold
“Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’” - C.S. Lewis
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Looking for a step-by-step guide on how to apply the gospel to the everyday moments of motherhood? Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) Available Now!
With more than 100,000 copies sold, the Risen Motherhood book is going Deluxe! This heirloom-quality edition includes a new introduction and extra chapters from authors and co-founders Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler. The new chapters explore how the gospel impacts a mom’s fears, her work at home, and her income-producing work. This special edition will give you or a loved one a stunning keepsake that brings beauty and hope to a mom’s everyday moments.
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R|M Apply Questions:
Consider how your upbringing and current circumstances have shaped your views and thought process on the topic of disability.
Filter this perspective through the idea that everyone is made in God’s image (Imago Dei). Does this challenge any of your views, fears, or behaviors?
Read Exodus 4:11. How does this truth change the way you view, speak about, and love children with disabilities?
If your family doesn’t have much interaction with disability, consider a few ways you can make this a more tangible point of discussion. (This could look like intentionally noticing a picture in a book, movie, or volunteering at a special event.)
Spend some time in prayer that the Lord would give you eyes to see the needs of those around you as you encounter disability, and that you’ll model this well for your kids.
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