Risen Motherhood’s Sunset

We know you’ve got ‘em, because we did too! This is big news, and we want to be good stewards of this amazing community, so our team put our heads together and tried to answer every question we could think of. We hope it’s a blessing to you!


  • We will still create new content—including two new podcast series, many more articles, social media posts, newsletters, and more—through April 11, 2025. We feel like this last year is going to encapsulate the heart of everything we’ve tried to share over the past nine years. We’re pulling back the curtain, we’re sharing all of our trade secrets, and we’re making you privy to everything we “do” behind the scenes so that you can truly learn to apply the gospel to motherhood long after we’re gone.

  • Our website content will remain up for one more year, until April 2026. We’ll keep an eye on the site for broken links or other hiccups, but generally, it will be unattended yet available for you to still engage in. Come April 2026, our digital content will no longer be available.

  • Yes, all of our social media content will be archived once we say goodbye in April 2025. We have a very active community on social media (which we love—keep it coming in the meantime!), and since our team will leave at this time, we don’t have the resources to manage comments and interactions well if we continue to receive feedback on our social media posts. Our website content, however, will remain up until April 2026!

  • We recognize that in this day and age of the internet, content doesn’t always age well. We want anything we have our names on to be intentionally cared for and monitored well, and since one of the reasons the ministry is coming to a close is so we can shift our focus elsewhere, it would be hard to steward this well if we left our deep well of content up without full oversight from us and our team. This is another reason why we’re so excited about the books we’ve already released and the ones we have to come, because they give us an opportunity to take the best, most timeless pieces of what we’ve learned over the years and put them in resources that moms will be able to hold onto for years to come.

  • Yes! You may have heard that we’re releasing two more books and a workbook between now and March 2025. All of the below books will remain available for purchase:

    • Risen Motherhood (available in six languages!)

    • NEW! Gospel Mom: How to Make Biblical Decisions and Discover the Mom God Created You to Be (Releasing October 15, 2024)

    • NEW! Becoming a Gospel Mom: A Workbook for Intentional Growth and Reflection (Releasing October 15, 2024)

    • NEW! A Million Tiny Moments: Reflections to Refresh a Mom’s Spirit (releasing March 4, 2025)

    • Risen Motherhood Guided Journal

    • Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition)


  • Yes! Our relationship is incredibly healthy, and we feel like this makes it a good time to focus on finishing well. We love each other, are still the best of friends, see each other often, and have a great family relationship and working partnership. We love and get along with our team and our board. There is no ominous, hidden, or salacious reason why we’re ending. We will look back and remember R|M as great years with good memories of all the Lord has done. We look forward to cheering one another on in any future endeavors.

  • As leaders, we put a high value on excellence and hands-on, personal nurturing of our community and team. We don’t want to artificially push beyond what God has given us to say just because we have the funding or because we feel the pressure of “could” or “should.” We think that, sometimes, that’s where leadership mistakes happen, and the quality of content goes downhill and starts to feel contrived. We did take time to explore transitioning the ministry to new leadership, but we didn’t sense the Lord leading us in that direction. Because our names and ministry reputation will always be tied to Risen Motherhood, we decided that we’re just not comfortable having our content out there without being the ones to oversee and stand behind any new content that might be produced. Instead, we want to end in the golden years, not keep going until it’s so obvious that we need to stop.

  • We think that God has equipped moms with the gospel in incredible ways, and there is a new saturation of women filling in these gaps that did not exist when we started Risen Motherhood. We’re confident that other moms and other voices will carry this torch. We are also hopeful the ministry of Risen Motherhood will be carried on through women like you in real-life relationships in the local church and community. Our best recommendation if you’d like to share the message of Risen Motherhood with a mom you love is gifting her one of our books!

Donors, Authors, & Partners

  • Because we're continuing to create and share new content for the next year, we'll still receive donations through December 31, 2024. Those donations will be used to fund the daily needs of the ministry. We're praying and trusting God to provide all that we will need to fully fund the work of our team as we create new content through April 2025 and operate the website until April 2026.. If there is anything left over, it will be donated to a like-minded ministry, and the Risen Motherhood Board will determine that. Since we’re a 501(c)3, we (Emily and Laura) don’t keep any of it.

  • We’ve pulled together a full Author FAQ HERE, but the short answer is that our team will reach out to anyone who has written content for us and ensure you have adequate time to save this for future use. We want this encouragement to reach any mom who needs to hear it, so that content will be yours to keep and use as you wish.

What’s Next:

  • Yes, we’d love for you to join us! We recommend getting on our email list to stay in-the-know—that’s where you’ll get the info first!

  • Yes! We know moms in this community love some R|M merch, so we’re planning one final shop for late Summer 2024. We have many more details to share here in the coming months, and getting on our email list is the best way to ensure you stay in the loop!

  • We (Emily and Laura) both plan to remain active on our personal platforms, although it will likely look different from the cadence you see on our Risen Motherhood platforms. You can follow us individually at the links below:

    Emily Jensen: Instagram, Email List, Website

    Laura Wifler: Instagram, Email List, Website

  • First, we humbly ask for your prayers as we seek to do this well. We haven’t seen any ministries intentionally choose to close their doors. We feel like we’re walking forward without a road map, but we trust that the Lord will guide us in how to do this faithfully. We’d love your prayers for our team and, maybe the most important, for this community of moms.

    Second, please stick with us! We had some people advise us to wait longer to share the news, but we really wanted to bring you with us. Our hope is that our community will remain as strong as it’s ever been as we seek to send you off well, equipped to live a risen motherhood long after the ministry closes.