Farewell 02: Did We Over-Spiritualize Motherhood? (And Other Critiques of the Ministry) Transcript

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Laura Wifler: Okay, Emily, I'm really excited for today's show. I feel like we could have done a show like this once every year, because this time, we are talking about the critiques of the ministry that we've received over the years. Like all critiques, we can concede that some have been valid and then others, in our opinion, maybe not so much.

Emily Jensen: Yes. I think we wanted a chance, as we're heading out here, to reflect back and share a little bit about our hearts for the ministry. As we were prepping for this show, I realized there were so many things we did behind the scenes—so many boundaries that we created, so many things we talked about: “Hey, this is the direction that we're going to go. This is our mission. This is our vision. This is our values. This is exactly how that's going to play out in our content."

We even made some strategic decisions along the way to not do certain things. I realized—I don't know if we always explained that to our community or said that out loud. I think, in times—a lot of these critiques that we're going to explore—it's going to be fun, I think, to be able to clarify like, "Hey, why did we make the decisions that we made?" Because looking back, we absolutely, 100% did not do everything perfectly. I know that, when we look back ten years from now—thirty years from now . . . our kids look back on this—there will be, probably, valid critiques that we don't even know about right now. But all in all, I don't have any regrets. I think you would say—

Laura: Agreed.

Emily: No regrets at this point. I think there's—knowing that there were a lot of imperfections and areas where we could have done probably a little bit better, but, in general, I think we're walking away feeling pretty good about the decisions that we made, or at least knowing our why.

Laura: Yes. I think of this a little bit as a behind-the-scenes episode of the last years of our ministry, or actually the entire ministry, of, like you said, why we made the decisions that we did. Before we go too far, just a reminder too that we absolutely believe there is not one right way to run a ministry. There are so many ways to run a successful God-honoring organization.

The things that we're going to share, like—this is where we believe God led us. We tried to trust the Lord, to pray, to be led by the Spirit, to use wisdom and logic and advice from wiser people. Especially if you're in ministry right now and you're listening to this, just know that we don't monopolize the right way, but we're hopeful that some of this will be helpful to you. Then, for the rest of you, perhaps there are some nuggets and seeds as you look at your own life to think through a little bit of how you want your conduct to look, and hopefully, it's just a fun show. [Laughter]

Emily: All right, let's get into this. One of the critiques of the ministry we had over the years was that we didn't give enough practical advice or parenting advice about how to be a mom to young children. This idea that like, hey, we really focused on principles, but in terms of, literally, how do you discipline? How do you deal with a toddler tantrum? How do you help kids learn how to share?—we didn't get into that.

Laura: Right. Yes. I think that for us, we, first of all, really kept reminding ourselves: we are here to speak to moms and to talk about being a mom. We're not necessarily talking about parenthood, which feels a little more practical—I don't know, maybe that's a weird division—but not to kids. We're not for husbands, we're not for dads—we are here for moms. I remember us laboring over—should we even talk about marriage? Every time we tackled it, we had to—or we really desired to come at it from a motherhood angle, like the show “When Dads Work Long Hours.” Is it about marriage? Yes, but more so, it's about a mom and her heart as she walks through a season like that.

Emily: Yes. I think that's a great distinction—how many times we would have a show or an article or whatever and we would say, “How is this speaking to a mom's heart? How is this meeting her where she's at and helping point her to Christ in that?” That was what we kept coming back to every time. It wasn't about “But then also—how can we teach her how to handle that situation in a really specific way?”

Laura: Because we like legit—

Emily: I don't know.

Laura: I know. That's the one thing—that we were able to offer truths from Scripture and feel really confident in that because those never change—those are available to all. In terms of exactly how to discipline your kid, I'm figuring it out right next to everybody else. I think, for you and I, it was a protection, and it was an area that we didn't want to walk in.

We know that there are moms that give great advice, and they're doing this and we're so thankful, but for where God was leading us, we really felt like “We don't want to share when we don't have that proof in the pudding, or we don't have years of experience behind us.” Our mantra at Risen Motherhood is: hey, there are a lot of ways to do motherhood well. It would almost violate some of the other things I think we were trying to share.

Emily: Yes. Really early on, we made that decision that this was going to be about biblical principles that apply to all people for all of time, and that, if we were sharing things that were so specific that only a mom in the Midwest, in a rural community like us could relate—or it's something that's going to go out of style in five years or ten years—those weren't the types of things we wanted to talk about. We really wanted to build our content choices around things that could apply to moms in different situations. I hope that we did that. I know that it was frustrating at times that it wasn't super practical, but that was our heart.

Laura: Okay. Let's do another. We didn't speak enough to current events or US or Christian subculture. This is another critique that I'm like—I get it. Also, I'm really glad that we didn't. We learned this the hard way, though, because I think that 2019—2020 was a brutal year for social media and being a content creator on social media. There were a lot of pressures. There were a lot of things going on in the world that felt, and obviously were, very big and very important, and it was affecting people's very real lives.

Yet for us, it started to become like almost every day we could have posted something about something going on in a Christian subculture, something going on in the US news, something that was going on worldwide, or a memorial day—like Infertility Day or Disability Month or whatever. You could truly fill your calendar full almost every day if you are going to acknowledge these types of events that are going on.

Emily: Or something in the news. There's something sad and terrible that happens every day, for sure, but every week—every month—there's something that feels like, "What's everyone's thought on this?"

Laura: Yes. I think for us—we did a few things, and we realized, number one, we're a slow content organization, and we're a bunch of moms that are trying to juggle our kiddos in between things. We want to prioritize our families, and to be able to do that, you have to be really nimble, really accessible, and just pretty comfortable putting out content that maybe hasn't gone through all of the hoops that we prefer. That was a big piece of it.

Then, second, we really felt like, thinking about—we had a global audience, and we had moms from all over the world writing us, talking about how they were being encouraged. It felt strange to dive into American Christian subculture or American news and events that weren't necessarily affecting their lives. Those were a couple of the reasons why we didn't do that.

Emily: Yes. I like what you're saying. Just practically, I think that's something, if you're not a content creator, that is hard to understand—how long it takes to generate something. Even a podcast episode—we're planning months in advance. Right now, we're recording this in late fall. It's going to come out in the winter. We, with our content team, are planning for four or five months from now. That is a long lead time. It's more of a sustainable way, though, to approach content, and it's really difficult if something comes out on the news, and then there's this—within twenty-four hours to three days, we need to produce articles, we need to produce podcasts, we need to produce social media posts.

Like you said, Laura, you can do that. There are people who do it. There are people who do it really well. We are very grateful because there are organizations and ministries that their whole thing is to respond to those things quickly, and they are very gifted in that way. For us, we felt like, man, it's really hard to—how do you sit and gain wisdom? There's often topics that happen in the news that we literally have not thought about before, we've not researched heavily, or we've not thought, “How does the gospel apply to that?” It felt very hasty to us to throw something out there because we felt pressure.

I think it's just this difference in posture of—we decided, along the way, we are going to create proactive content that has been prayed over. We're going to say, "Lord, where are you leading us? How do you want us to share with moms?" We're going to plan far in advance and do that versus more like a reactive content, which, again—not right or wrong—but reactive content is more like: what's going on in the Christian subculture? What's going on in the world? Then, we're going to create our content as a reaction to that. We just made a decision that we were going to be more on that, like—what's the Lord leading us to say? And it may or may not have anything to do with what's going on at that time.

Laura: I keep sitting here thinking—I don't know, for better or worse, I don't think of myself as a particularly bright person. I know some people are going to reject that, but what I mean is I'm a very relatable person. I think that I enjoy engaging in certain things, but only to a point. I know Emily is more of our thought leader—more of our innovator of these kinds of things. For me, honestly, it's just—I felt like I wouldn't even have anything brilliant to say, had we even tried to do that, or it wouldn't have been—there would have been errors and falsehoods. I would try my best, but that's not even my gifting.

Emily: I feel the same way for me. Yes. 

Laura: You're a little more gifted, but let's go to our next one.

Emily: All right. Next one. A critique was that we were a silo. We didn't clearly affiliate with many other ministries. Just this idea that we tried to stay in our own lane. I think there were times where we were a little bit harder to pin down in terms of exactly “What tribe do we fit in?” I think people wanted us—

Laura:  —found that frustrating.

Emily: Yes—wanted us to very, very clearly fall in one—I don't know—“camp” or whatever. Now, I think that if you've followed our content over the years, and you've looked at our recommended resources, and you've listened to the things that we say, you probably can make a lot of really good guesses about where we are theologically and all that stuff. But just at a glance, we did really refrain from the obvious messaging and Christian tribal stamps that say, "This puts me firmly here."

Laura: Yes. When we were just starting out, or for any ministry that's pretty small, some associations are really good and helpful. They give you credibility. They can give you visibility. We had some of those at the beginning, but as our ministry got bigger, we realized, actually, it's more of a liability on the outside to have so many associations. I think that's just something to consider—for us, we really felt like we wanted to be a bridge.

Really, we were designed or desired to reach people who were just at the beginning stages of understanding the gospel matters to their life. Maybe they never even heard that concept before, but they were interested in their faith—applying it to their motherhood. That was a big piece for us, that, as we got bigger and realized, oh, associations—even podcast interviews and who we had on our show—at times, people could be turned off or deeply excited about certain people on our show.

For us, as we got bigger, we really felt like, “Hey, we just want our content to stand for itself and to not be judged by what others are saying or sharing.” And we're super thankful. We want to cheer them on. We have tried to find ways to champion—especially moms that don't have big platforms, through our articles and things like that. For us, when we decided that the podcast would really follow Emily and I's journey, I think that also helped us to be able to hone our content and feel like, hey, we can be a bridge and share our own story, and there's not this liability of other ministry associations with it. I don't know.

Emily: Yes. No, it is—I think in cancel culture, especially, there is this like, hey, if you associate with the wrong person at the wrong time, the whole thing's going to get burned to the ground.

Laura: Even seeing a good ministry fall, right? I don't know.

Emily: Yes, because of some different choices of who they were with. I think that that's gotten a little bit better over the last couple of years, but I also feel like the investment of the donors—the investment, all the content—there was this sense of, hey, we can't control what other people are saying and doing with their ministry and different things, but we can be responsible for our own content. We just tried to focus our energies there.

I think we'll talk more about this bridge concept because I feel like, if there was a big highlight—like I'm going to highlight something in the show—I feel like that is a key thing that I don't know if we've said outside of our team and our board and those different things about our heart there. But let's jump into the next critique.

Laura: Okay. Next critique was that the podcast wasn't broad enough to cover all the different facets of motherhood. Oh man, we have labored over this. Rewind, Emily, to three or four years ago when this was a hot topic for you and I. Hot topic to sort through.

Emily: Yes, I know. Do you remember you had this idea for this video?

Laura: What?

Emily: You were going to do a video of moms, all over the world.

Laura: Oh yes. That was a good idea.

Emily: Some videographer or you were—I was probably not going.

Laura: —Em was definitely not going.

Emily: —but you were going to fly all over the world and get this B-roll footage of moms and all these different scenarios.

Laura: Risen Motherhood book promo maybe.

Emily: I don't remember, but you had this idea of a book trailer or some podcast series.

Laura: No, it was maybe for a podcast series. Yes, it was for a—

Emily: Anyway. We really, like you said, labored and struggled. There was this point where we had talked about—not all the things, but a lot of the things that we were facing—and we were feeling like, "Okay, we know we have a worldwide audience, and there's moms who have so many varied experiences." We say all the time: we want to be able to reach moms in all different situations—all different scenarios. We were like, "Do we need to really change the way we're approaching content and bring in all these other voices so that it's more relatable to a lot of different women versus women that maybe can see themselves in you and I?"

Laura: Correct. We had talked about different demographics of ages, of income levels, of abilities, and then just experiences. You can be the same skin tone and basically the same demographics, but then your experience of motherhood—whether that's infertility or miscarriage or adoption or disability—there are so many different experiences of motherhood. We started saying like, "Hey, let's bring on longer-term voices." We had conversations about that. We talked about bringing on longer-term co-hosts—of bringing in two younger moms. There were tons of ideas that were tossed around.

There was a time where we were meeting with our board consistently about this—to really talk through how we can best reach moms. Ultimately, the board really—I'm so—is the board the best or is the board the best?

Emily: Yes. They guided us through a lot of big decisions.

Laura: Yes. They just—it's so nice when you're like, "I don't actually have to make this choice.” This is a really hard choice, and you can trust that there's this group of people who are way wiser and more seasoned than you to help you make those choices. The board really said, "Hey, we think that the podcast should follow Emily and Laura's journey, and whatever you're interested in, that's what you should share. Then, find other ways on other content streams to be able to showcase other moms' experiences." I think that was incredibly freeing for us and helpful.

Emily: Yes. I remember—I think it was a team member or a board member that spoke into this—just that reality of: God has given each of us different life experiences and different interests and different giftings. He's put us in a certain place in time. That's not a bad thing or a liability or a limiting thing—that's actually the way that he's going to work in and through you, because he has each of us to reach different people. We all have our own sphere of influence. We all are going to relate more easily with some people than others—and not to view that as a bad thing, but as just a special missional call from God to go out and reach the people that he has for you to reach.

I think there was, after that, this confidence of—we are who we are. This is the motherhood God has given us. He's put us in central Iowa. He's put us in whatever this life that it is that we have. Just trusting him that, as we're trying to share principles and not super practical things, that other moms would be able to relate and connect with us in that. Then, some of the things, like you said, that we haven't experienced—our articles, we hope, really became an outlet for that. I'm really excited by the way—if you guys haven't been there, look through all the different topics that we've touched in our article series. We have tried to get an article for as many possible issues as we possibly can. That's been really fun.

Laura: Yes. Okay. Another critique: we didn't create enough ways for moms to connect. This is probably something that I wanted a little more than you over the years or felt pressure, maybe, to do. It was something that—there are a million ways that ministries, or even just podcasts, help people connect. Podcast clubs, where people get together—you create digital maps and you find the other moms who listen to the same podcasts as you do—or book clubs that are orchestrated by the author and things like that.

For us, there were a lot of things that went into this. I think number one was just the Herculean effort it would have taken to conduct this and how it probably would have pulled away effort from other things that we saw as more important to do at the ministry. Then, I think a second big thing is that—we've mentioned this earlier—but we really saw ourselves as a bridge. We wanted people, in some ways, to graduate from Risen Motherhood. Sometimes, when I hear people say, "Oh, this is too elementary . . . I've heard this a million times,” I'm like, "Oh, that's so great."

Emily: You don't need us.

Laura: Exactly, like—

Emily: Great.

Laura: Yes, we're not meant for you anymore. That is incredible. We've even had the critique of being too redundant, and there's an element of—this is what we do; of course, it's going to get redundant at a point for people. Joyfully, we wish you well as you move on. All that to say is that we really loved it when women would take their own initiative and create their own podcast club or create their own book club.

We try to give some tools for some of those things, but in general, as we want to just be a bridge and focus on that, we wanted our stuff to be a springboard for conversations but not necessarily be the mastermind behind all these little groups.

Okay. Another critique: we didn't share enough of our personal lives. This one's short and sweet. I think it's just a conscience decision and that other moms can do what they want, and it can be super great, but for us, we just, frankly, didn't want to. That was just where we landed. I think we started with sharing more of our personal life, and as the ministry grew, we became less and less public with things. I don't know—I think that was just a non-negotiable for us.

Emily: Yes. I don't know, too—yes, ages of our kids—but just really wanting to make sure they felt like—when you're talking literally about motherhood and you're talking about how motherhood is hard or here's some things you're facing—we were just very conscientious of the fact we never wanted our kids to grow up and have some podcasts out there about some clear, obvious thing that they were struggling with. We just didn't want to do that. I think, too, on social media, there were some turning points—not bad things, but just moments of clarity.

Laura: This was helpful correction from our community.

Emily: Right. We were sort of just getting more and more free. This was when stories were first starting, and people were starting to use a lot more video.

Laura: This was many, many years ago.

Emily: Many, many years ago. I think we were just starting to get a lot more comfortable of like, "Oh, hey, I'm here. I'm here in my house. Here's what I'm doing right now." Or just showing a lot more of our lives. We did a day in the life or something. I remember we were starting to get messages of like, "Where's that rug from? Where is that couch from? Tell me about that recipe," and all of these different things. We just had a really good, really kind email from a board member.

Laura: I don't think she was a board member at the time.

Emily: Oh, really?

Laura: I don't think so. I don't think we were even a nonprofit. This was really early in Risen Motherhood.

Emily: It was just like—I don't remember what the context was.

Laura: Yes, for some ministry.

Emily: Yes, but it was just like someone who reached out, who had our ear, and just was like, "Hey, there's a decision point you have here. I know that you girls care about being about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and you have an opportunity to cut through the noise on social media and be very—in a good way—single-minded about what it is that you are sharing with people and not to send mixed messages about what moms most deeply need." There are other ways to be personal. There are other ways.

We have found that, over the years of our own personal platforms, there's a lot of freedom there, but we decided out of that and out of some other things that happened, that Risen Motherhood, as its platform, was not going to be a place that was about Emily and Laura's personal lives and our homes and the things that we purchase and the things that we do. That just wasn't going to be what it was.

Laura: It was the norm at the time that you would share everything and answer everything and whatever lifestyle content mixed with ministry. I think that was some of the early signs, if we were to look back, of where we were headed, Emily—becoming a nonprofit and saying, “This is bigger than us.” This is not about Emily and Laura. Even though we insulated the podcast to our own experiences, everything else about Risen Motherhoodwe've actually tried to remove our faces. We tried to do less and less video—not have it be about us.

There have been several iterations of Risen Motherhood where we've pivoted. A lot of it, to be honest—we tried something—we shared the link or whatever—and then we felt uncomfortable, and we removed it. It's not to say every moment we were totally perfect, and we did this right; a lot of it was trial and error. I think that's the beauty of the internet. In some ways, people say the internet's memory lasts forever, and it does in some ways because you can probably pull anything back up, but also, it's very short-term and forgiving in other ways where something just lasts for twenty-four hours. You can try something else the next day, and you can pivot, and you can change.

I think that I've been really grateful for that at Risen Motherhood. Our community has come in, and many people have given us small corrections, and we're like, "Oh yes. Okay," and we're changing for the future. Anyway, okay—another critique.

Emily: All right. Another one was the idea that motherhood is hard. This phrase is obviously in our podcast intro, which I think we recorded—

Laura: We've really never changed the intro. Never.

Emily: Yes. Somehow by God's kindness, we just—whatever, that was our mission forever. I think that—

Laura: We've changed the music.

Emily: Yes, we've changed the music.

Laura: So people aren't calling us out on that.

Emily: Once the song we originally used was popping up on every weird toy YouTube video in the world.

Laura: No, remember? Our first song was really slow, and we had a friend reach out—because at the time, only friends were listening to the podcast—we had sort of a—

Emily: Was it like, “Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding?”

Laura: No, it was like, “Duh, duh, duhn, duh, duhn.”

Emily: I don't even remember our first one.

Laura: It was guitar, and it was very slow. She just wrote us really sweetly. She was like, "I love everything except for the music because it doesn't sound like you guys."

Emily: Then we went to the “Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding.”

Laura: And I paid like thirty bucks for that. It was just us.

Emily: Then we did the Ben Rector song.

Laura: It was ours first! Ben Rector, that is ours!

Emily: I said that tongue in cheek. We had this song—this is a side note.

Laura: It's so funny you brought that up.

Emily: —our upbeat song, which someone actually did email us and tell us it was too worldly.

Laura: It's too worldly. [Laughter]

Emily: That was a critique. Anyway, we got this really upbeat song, and I think we had it for like six months.

Laura: The one you’re hearing now.

Emily: The one we currently have. Then Ben Rector came out with a song—

Laura: —with Snoop Dogg in it too, and we were like, "Oh dear."

Emily: I think people were tagging Ben Rector, like, "Why do you have Risen Motherhood's intro song?

Laura: I so appreciated the mama bear aspect of our community coming out. I almost wanted to write something like—people even were saying, “Who had it first?” I wanted to vindicate us because that's me—high justice. I remember being like, "No, we're just going to let it live.” The Risen Motherhood community—you came out for us. Ben, we respect you.

Emily: We all got it from the same—

Laura: The same place. We paid a little more money, because I remember being like, "We got to pay a little more money." It was like $500. It wasn't even that much. Ben bought it too. Anyway.

Emily: Anyway. All right. Motherhood is hard.

Laura: Motherhood is hard. Way big tangent.

Emily: This was something that—people didn't like that we led with that. They felt like it was setting moms up for negative thoughts about motherhood—like, "Hey, why are we coming in with this tone? God says motherhood is a blessing." I think—I don't know, my most practical answer for this is: literally, our ministry was created because there are elements of motherhood that are hard. The whole point: if motherhood wasn't hard and you didn't have any problems—any challenges—and it was just a blessing, there would be no need for someone to come alongside you in truth and to meet you where you're at and then turn your gaze towards true things—more hopeful things, better things.

I just find this very ironic or just interesting because I'm like—there has to be a problem for a solution to be able to pop up. We really felt like our ministry is meant to meet the moms who feel like “This is so hard”—like, "I am walking in the fall here. This isn't what I thought it would be." Those were the exact moms that we wanted to grab and say, "There is hope here, and let's go to the Word of God. Let's see what the design is. Let's see how we can approach this redemptively. Let's give you hope. Let's give you refreshment. Let's bring you there spiritually."

Saying motherhood is hard is literally just a practical—that is how you hook moms that need the help. I think if you start with like, “Motherhood is beautiful and a blessing and joyful”—all of those things are true, but then, how does that mom that's in that really dark place latch on? I don't know.

Laura: Yes. 

Emily: I hope the mere fact that we thought this ministry needs to exist helps you see that we absolutely value motherhood. We believe it's important. We believe it's good. We would not be here trying to meet moms with the good news of Jesus Christ if we didn't think motherhood was a blessing and something that needs to be treasured. Okay, next critique is that Risen Motherhood is only for stay-at-home moms of young children. What do you think, Laura?

Laura: I think that this is a valid critique. We're getting to a few that I think are valid. The reason is—and we continue to hear this; not as much, but we still will hear people say, "Oh, that's a ministry just for stay-at-home moms." It a little bit boggles my mind, but let me back up. When we started the podcast, Emily and I were both stay-at-home moms.

Emily: Right. Going back to that idea that we're always following our journey and speaking from our experience, that is absolutely what came out.

Laura: We were also not professionals. We were literally two girls who had never done public speaking before, hitting record in a basement. We didn't know how to speak the way we know how to speak now, which is with nuance and with the ability to maybe help other women be seen in different spots. Yes, we were talking from the well, and we were also very inexperienced, I think. We just hadn't had the knocks of the world yet to teach us, oh, we can frame this in different ways, and it'd still be the same truth. We just had a lot to learn.

If you listen to our first year maybe of the podcast, it absolutely sounds like it's just for stay-at-home moms. Then I remember we wrote the Risen Motherhood book, and we didn't include a chapter on working motherhood—income-producing work. Again, I think it was really just about our current experience. Again, we hadn't learned as much. If you think we wrote that book one to two years prior to it coming out—so, while we were a bigger ministry and probably better once that book came out, when we wrote it, we were still these newbies in motherhood. We ended up adding a working moms chapter in the deluxe version because we wanted to correct, maybe, some of this critique.

I think, for us, it's been hard to shake that stigma. It's funny to me all the time because, even for you and I to say like, "Oh, we're podcasters," or "Oh, we have a ministry," or "I'm an executive director; you're a content director"—that took a long time for us to get there, to see Risen Motherhood as more than a hobby. There was a lot of work that God had to do in our hearts for us to get to that point. Also, it just boggles my mind in that sense of like—being a writer and an author and a podcaster is real work. When we would receive the critique—especially three, four, five, six, seven, eight years into ministry—I'm like, "Where do you think all of this content comes from? Is this not a real job?"

Emily: Yes. It's definitely a tricky one. I think it goes back to, again, that idea that it was following our journey. I think, in terms of it being for moms of young children—just to speak to that for a minute—that was and is and has been a conscious decision. I think opening up the curtain a little bit of our content philosophy—from really early on, we felt like, when a mom is in those first years, there is something very tender and vulnerable and paradigm-shifting and earth-shaking that's happening in her heart and her life.

It's a really great time for someone to hear the gospel, both for salvation and then also to reach a mom when her kids are young—that in those early years, when that child's brain is being shaped and their heart's being shaped and they're being developed, that a mom can be walking with the Lord deeply and growing and then sharing the gospel with her children. That's just a really critical time.

We just saw, man, if you're looking at ROI, or you're looking at impact, and you're thinking about mission, we want to catch moms right there so that it changes the trajectory of their whole family, and it changes the trajectory for generations. We have very intentionally continued to gear content towards young moms. I know that, when we were going through that like, "Hey, do we add more voices?” question, we were also asking, "Do we shift to the ministry for more middle school/high school age?"

Laura: Even grandmas—we even had that convo.

Emily: I think we just kept going. Even though our kids are getting older, and it's getting harder for us to come up with those examples, we just kept thinking, “This is what we wanted it for.” I know at the time too, when we first started, we felt like there was more content out there for moms of older children, and there wasn't a great ministry—there probably was. We didn't know of one specific ministry that was like, "This is for moms of young children." It's been fun to meet that need. I think, if that's someone's observation, that is a little bit by design, but we also have, I think, seen our content reach moms of children of all different ages, which we're really grateful for.

Laura: Okay. Last critique: did Risen Motherhood over-spiritualize motherhood? Does every single moment have to be a moment of worship or making it holy? This is what I think also a fair critique. It's hard because, I think that any ministry or business or brand—you have the things that you emphasize. You have your drum beats. You have the things that you build your ship around, so to speak. This was absolutely, 100% one of our distinctives.

We very intentionally wanted to bring meaning to motherhood. I think about our latest book release, A Million Tiny Moments, and how that whole book is about: every moment matters as a mom. I think there's such beauty in that messaging. I think that, when we started Risen Motherhood, that was one of the things that we wanted to do—pull together deep theology and the realities of motherhood and mesh those things. We didn't see it happening very often out in the world, and so we wanted to spiritualize motherhood.

We felt like there was actually an atrophy in the discussion of motherhood because nobody was really bringing in that theological or spiritual element to very basic things like breastfeeding, like school choice, like cell phones, like whatever. At the time, that was our goal. I understand the critique, but I also feel like, hey, when you have a drum beat, I can see how people would get tired of it.

That's where I just want to say, on the flip side—I remember certain nights even going to bed and thinking like, "It's kind of a burdensome message," or I would feel like, "I didn't have every moment be holy today. This is the stuff I speak about, and how could I speak about this and be such a hypocrite? I'm not recognizing Jesus enough in the little moments." I so identify with this. I remember when you and I were talking about this—because we've gotten some even more recent critique—and I was like, yes, some of it's fair, but what do you do?

Emily: Yes. I don't know. I have a lot of thoughts.

Laura: Bring it on. Bring it on.

Emily: I'm going to try to not create a whole 'nother podcast episode about this.

Laura: I'm going to give you like three minutes.

Emily: I think that, well, a couple of things. One is that I think there is this misconception, again, about spiritual and secular, and that, if someone's idea of every moment only matters—and we're only following Christ in moments where—or I'm only having these like “holy” experiences when I'm praying, words about Jesus are coming out of my mouth, my Bible is open, I'm evangelizing to my children or to other moms, I'm playing spiritual songs in the car, I'm showing my kids Christian shows, we're reading them Christian books—if only the spiritual things are those things, and someone is thinking, "Oh, that's what I'm supposed to be doing 24/7," I would go, "Yes, that's a really heavy burden. That's a lot. That's overwhelming." Even Jesus didn't talk about God 24/7. He did other things too, but there isn't this divide.

The reality is that, when you're talking to your children about the fuzzy caterpillar on the ground, or you are laughing with them, and you're playing a board game, or you're going on a walk, or you're watching a really cool movie that the whole family loves, or you are having your friend over for coffee and you're just asking her how she is—those things are not unspiritual. Those things are also moments in which we can be living for the Lord, and those are also moments in which we can be serving him.

I think that our hearts—when we were saying, “Every moment of motherhood matters, and we want to redeem all of these moments”—it was not wanting to create these like only-talking-about-God, only-reading-the-Bible mom robots or something. It's about saying, “Yes, you're going to continue to do all kinds of things that aren't overtly talking about God. Yet, what's going on in your heart? Why are you doing those things? Ultimately, what are you pointing yourself and your life for?” Well, it’s for God. And it's all coming—“to him and through him and for him are all things.” That's in the Bible. That's absolutely true.

God knows every single one of our moments. He knows every single hair on our head, and he cares about it all. That doesn't mean, again, we have to be robots or be this weird thing. I think that's a misconception. I can see, again, depending on someone's personality—or a mom who's like, "I'm really wanting to get this right," and who's really feeling the weight of that—could feel like it's a burden, or it's overwhelming or something like that. That's a bummer to me to hear that.

I hate that—if someone listened and they walked away feeling like, "Oh, now motherhood is heavier than it was before"—because I know that our hearts and our intention was that moms would walk away feeling that there's more purpose, more joy, more grace—because there is so much grace and so much freedom. So, definitely stinks when I hear that. More just for that mom's heart and wanting to be able to bring refreshment and for them to see like, “Oh, this is a joy,” and not necessarily more things on your to-do list or something.

Laura: I think it reminds me, too, that this is where the beauty of the body of Christ comes in and that there may be another ministry or platform that speaks to where she's at in a way that she can hear.

Emily: 100%.

Laura: Yes, while I think this critique could be valid, I think that it would be hard to really change a lot about it. I know we've gotten this on our books before too—that books can feel burdensome, or I think I've even heard a mom say “shaming” before, which is hard to read as the author—but I've also heard moms say, "Hey, I picked this up two or three years into motherhood, and actually, it read totally different to me."

I do think you're right that there's a lot about where that mom is at the time and how she hears. It's the whole like—"This is my favorite book." It's probably because it was the right book at the right time. You can't please everyone, but certainly, we can understand where someone might come away feeling like this. That makes us sad. I think that was a good way of framing it, Em.

Emily: Yes. I think to wrap up here, one thing we have acknowledged in the past, and we did as we were planning content, and we still acknowledge it now is: Risen Motherhood wasn't for everyone. We weren't necessarily aiming for it to be, I think. That's where you're saying the beauty of the body of Christ. Part of the reason why I think we feel peace about stepping back now and seeing how many great ministries there are out there and how many people there are speaking to all different things.

If you are a mom who's passionate about understanding how to apply the gospel to politics, there are great resources out there for you. If you are passionate about—whatever your practical thing is—there's great things out there for you. Or definitely personality. If certain types of tone or content resonate with you more or less, that's totally fine. I think that's a blessing. I think that's a good thing. I think it's okay that Risen Motherhood, like I said, wasn't for everyone. We're grateful for those who enjoyed it. I think that's great. I'm glad God used it, and it's also okay that it had its limitations.

Laura: Yes. It's fun. It's funny at times to even look back on some of the missteps that Emily and I have had—the course correction. We know we didn't do it all right, like we said. Honestly, I think we should just take a moment, Emily, to thank our community, especially those of you who have been with us since the early days, because so many of you—some of the reasons that we made pivots like we did or have made decisions like you've heard here in this show, those came because you offered your advice or a kind email or sent us a note.

For as many harsh critiques as we've received, we've seen a lot of really warm, loving corrections, and we've made decisions in the ministry because we've heard from you. We really have our community to say thank you to; our board of directors; wise, other women in ministry who have really helped us shape this into what it is. Yes, we didn't do it all right, but we trust that God used it the way he saw fit. Yes, ultimately, all glory goes to him.


Farewell 03: What You’re Doing Matters, Mom. Here’s Why. Transcript


Farewell 01: Exit Interviews—How R|M Changed Us Transcript