Ep. 23 || Hope After Miscarriage: Two Moms Share Their Stories of Loss & Healing Transcript

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Emily:  Hey guys. I want to welcome you to a special episode of Risen Motherhood today. From the very beginning, Laura and I knew we wanted to address the painful experience of miscarriage and give gospel hope to hurting moms. While neither Laura or myself have been through this personally, we both have dear friends and family who we have watched walk through painful loss in pregnancy. We really wanted to do due diligence on this topic and so we’ve got a couple of women to interview so that you could hear firsthand truth from the mouths of moms who have walked through this grief, with their faith still in Jesus.

Today you’ll be hearing from Madison Hofmeyer and Abby Hummel. While they are both different women with different stories, they both have experienced multiple miscarriages before the birth of their first child and they both, as you will hear, felt abandoned by God at times. They questioned His goodness and their faith but they also found deep comfort and help in the promises of God, as they were trusting Him through the pain of miscarriage.

Today, Laura and I hope that whether or not you’ve experienced a miscarriage or maybe you know somebody who’s experienced one, or you’re walking through a really hard circumstance as a mom, we want you to know that this episode and these interviews were recorded with you in mind. Our prayer is that these women would leave you more in awe of God’s deep love for you and His deep care for you. We also desire that you would hope in Jesus even in the really hard places, which is exactly where He wants to meet each and every one of us. Without further ado, I will let you guys listen in to Laura and Madison.     

Laura:  Hi guys. Today, I am really excited to have my friend, Madison Hofmeyer here on the show. Madison and I go way back, and we’ve known each other for quite a while. We met in college, right?

Madison:  Yes, we met sophomore year in college.

Laura:  I’ll let Madison introduce herself to you a little bit further so you guys know her background. Suffice it to say, she is amazing and a wonderful friend of mine, and someone who I have always admired as I watched her go through things, and walking through life with her for nine years now. I will let her do the introduction and tell you guys a little bit about her beautiful family – who she is and what she’s about.     

Madison:  Like Laura said, my name is Madison Hofmeyer and I blog over at espressoandcream.com. During the day, I am a freelance food writer and recipe editor. I live in Iowa with my husband Joe, and our 15-month old daughter, Ainsley and two very adorable but rambunctious dogs. That is me in a nutshell. We just moved from Minneapolis, and we are now living in a small town in Northwest Iowa.         

Laura:  You guys have bounced around a little since college but it seems like you’ve found a good home base. You’ve told them what you did, and where you live but what about your blog?  

Madison: Yes. I don’t blog fulltime or anything like that but I like to share encouragement. It used to be a food blog and it turned into a mom blog – though I said that was never going to happen. [laughter]  

Laura:  It happens to all of us. [laughter]

Madison:  Now we write a little bit about everything. Laura is my design inspiration. We renovated a house and now I’m trying to get inspiration from her.  

Laura:  This is what you should really know about Madison. [laughter] She won "Rachel Ray’s Hey Can You Cook?" 

Madison:  I had my 15 minutes of fame on reality TV doing a cooking show. [laughter]

Laura:  You’ve done a lot in media – you used to work for Better Homes and Gardens.  

Madison:  Then I worked for General Mills. Lots of opportunities to do media and camera and lots of cooking.  

Laura:  If you google her, you’ll find some really amazing things. [laughter]

Madison:  And some really embarrassing things as well.

Laura:  What we are talking about today though is a very serious topic. We are talking about miscarriage. When Emily and I were chatting through this topic and wanting to bring gospel hope to the topic of miscarriage, one of the first people that I felt I wanted to bring on the show, and have her explain her experiences was Madison, because Madison has been very public about her experience. You can go to her blog and read a lot more.

She is one of those women who carries through trials with excellence and grace. Her perspective on this has been really enlightening, encouraging, and helpful for me, as someone who hasn’t had a miscarriage. Madison has taught me so much about how to care for others and how to speak to them. It’s been amazing to see God work in her life. I brought her in today because I want her to share her story.

Madison, can you explain or share your experience of what’s happened in the past?      

Madison:  As Laura mentioned, we do have experience of miscarriage. My husband and I had two miscarriages prior to having our daughter, Ainsely. We weren’t trying to get pregnant the first time around so it came as a complete surprise. I don’t even know why I had a pregnancy test at our house. My husband was on a work trip and I decided that, “Hmmn, I might be pregnant,” and took a pregnancy test. It was positive and the typical emotions you have when you’re totally caught off guard sprung up but very quickly, those uncertainties turned into excitement. We were thrilled.

In our naïve nature, we told all of our family right away before we even had a doctor’s appointment. I went to my first doctor’s appointment by myself thinking they’re just going to do boring things like blood work and all those things at eight weeks, but they decided to be overly eager and do an ultrasound. I would have preferred that Joe was there but he wasn’t. When they did the first ultrasound, it showed that the baby did have a heartbeat but a very low heartbeat. They sent me home and said, “Don’t worry about it. Go home for a week and we’ll see you back next week.” Of course, when people say, “Don’t worry about it,” what do you do?       

Laura:  You worry. [laughs]

Madison:  Right, and so I did too much Googling. We came back a week later and the baby no longer had a heartbeat. It really caught me off guard as I was not prepared. I didn’t know a lot of people who talked about miscarriage and I didn’t know much about it myself so it was a big education for me right off the bat. I talked publicly about miscarriage later on but at first, I didn’t.

I kept it to myself for a good three months before I even thought, “Maybe this is something I want to process in a more outward way.” Eventually, I did write about it on my blog and shared about our experience and the healing process that I had been going through, and was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support, love, and encouragement that people sent my way. People sharing their stories - it was amazing. I just needed to know I wasn’t alone.

Our doctor assured us like I’m sure many other women have, that you don’t usually have more than one miscarriage in a row. It’s very common, it doesn’t mean anything to have one and so we proceeded. We weren’t trying to have our first but we decided we were excited. We wanted to start a family and four months later, we got pregnant again. At this point, both of my sister-in-laws were also pregnant so we were all going to be due within six weeks of one another. As you know, there’s a lot of excitement with that.

We anticipated what it would look like and had a healthy ultrasound at seven weeks. We had every reason to believe things were going well. We went to our 12-week appointment getting ready to announce to everybody, and they weren’t able to find the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler. Then we went in to an ultrasound. I still remember the feeling in the room as I knew what they were going to find. I had a mom intuition that things weren’t going to be okay. I had said to my mom before I went to that appointment. I said, “If our baby is not okay, I don’t know how I can believe that what God says is true and I don’t know how I’m going to recover from this.” I said, “I can’t watch my sister-in-laws move on with their pregnancies if we can’t move on with ours” so it was both my own personal sadness but it was also compounded by being in such close proximity to pregnancy, and to celebration and all of those things that made it that much harder. It was a very scary time and a terribly hard one. I was asking a lot of questions of God and a lot of questions of myself and my own hurt, at the same time.      

Laura:  Can you explain some of the questions, specifically, that you asked God?

Madison:  The thing that I came to ask more than anything, was I wrestled with this whole, how can God be good? Did I do something to anger Him, to insult Him? I really struggled with hearing all these moms talk about their babies. I think the thing that hurt me the most was hearing, “I’m so thankful that God thought I was fit to be a mom of these kids.” I started to feel like, “Wait, what does that say then about me? Does God not see me fit to be a mom? Did it have anything to do with my faith? Is my faith not strong enough? Why am I experiencing this?” Ultimately, the question that I, through processing and through writing, got to ask was, "Is God still who He says He is even if He doesn’t give me what I want?"

I think what many women want, more than anything, is to be a mom. They came up to us and they said, “It’s going to be okay. God is going to give you that baby that you want,” or, “I just know you’re going to end up with a healthy pregnancy.” I know they meant it from a great place of encouragement but to me at that point, I said, “You don’t know that. Who are you to say that that’s true?” I want to believe it’s true, I want to hear hopeful stories but I also need to be at this point where if God chooses to say no, if that door is not opened, that He’s still the same God that I read about in the Bible that I believe in. His promises are just as true in that, as they were if we had a kid.         

Laura:  I know you guys can’t see Madison and I but we both have tears in our eyes. I remember walking by the river with you, and we were chatting about a lot of these things. It still feels so raw. I can sense the emotion and how it feels for you still today. How many years? A couple of years?   

Madison:  We’ve got a couple of years, yes. Two and a half years.

Laura: Any time we are going through trials or suffering or pain to say, “Is the God that I believed in a year ago or a week ago or whatever, is that God the same and how can God allow suffering?” that is a question that we’re not going to get deep theologically into today. I’m so sorry and I know that that is one of those red flags that we want to answer. Maybe Emily and I will tackle that at some point.

Madison, can you explain too, how God worked in your heart to show you that He was still good? At some point, I’d really love for you to share your third baby’s story as well, because I think that will play in. Did you have scriptures or verses or a moment that people shared with you that gave you hope?     

Madison:  I think the thing I come to – because I wanted to be able to celebrate my sister-in-laws’ pregnancies and I wanted to be able to have joy in that – that was the biggest, hardest part, to be in close proximity to that and yet at the same time wanting to be able to celebrate. I really clinged to the verse that said, “Laugh with those who laugh. Mourn with those who mourn or cry with those who cry.” I thought, “I’m going to dig into the hurt.”

I did say, “I am going to give the middle finger to the devil and say you are not going to steal my ability to celebrate and to be joyful for the people I care about.” I said, “I’m going to throw a baby shower for my sister-in-law. I’m going to send my maternity clothes off to one of my sister-in-laws. I am not going to allow this to steal all that joy even if I didn’t always feel it,” because I’m human. I did not always feel it. It was very hard but at the same time I was like, “I’m going to dig into the hurt and hope that that brings joy,” and it did. Being able to think outside of myself and my circumstances really helped me to continue to move forward.         

Laura:  You chose your attitude; your response.

Madison:  Sometimes it was my actions and my response, and it wasn’t the attitude, but that came later.

Laura:  That’s a great distinction that we won’t always feel. That is again why I love Madison. She’s a class act and she just carried through all of that with grace. I think that shows a real strength and God’s graciousness on your life, even through these horrible trials that happened. He gave you and granted grace to say that you can maintain relationships with those around you even in the midst of a difficult miscarriage.    

Madison:  It can be very isolating. You withdraw from friends who have kids or friends who are pregnant and pretty soon you’re withdrawn from everybody.

Laura:  What would you say to someone who’s feeling that inclination of wanting to put up walls and barriers?

Madison:  I found that a lot of the healing came from sharing more openly. Not everybody’s going to know what to say and you can’t expect them to know what to say. Laura had not experienced that. I didn’t expect you to be able to come to me and have all this wisdom or whatever but I think you need to remember people are generally well intentioned. Even though it might come across the wrong way to you, they probably are not sure how to walk with you in the grief.

I would say that you lean into it. People might be awkward, they might not know what to say but people were so good to us too. They sent us flowers and they brought us meals. At first, I felt a little silly, like, “I’m still okay. I can walk around and make dinner,” but letting people love me, and then it taught me a lot about being able to love other people in difficult situations too. If you’re comfortable, the more transparent you can be, the more it will bring healing. It will show you there’s more purpose in your grief than just your own.      

Laura:  That’s very true. Madison, we’ve seen your story being shared all over. I feel like I see Madison’s stories [laughter] pop up on Facebook from random people all the time. It’s been amazing to see how God has used that time of suffering for you, for ultimately His greater glory because you have always been one to point the glory back to God. Can you think of or point to other specific areas of hope that God has given you through miscarriage now, on the other side? Evidences of His grace that you’ve seen?    

Madison:  Our daughter now is 15 months and the way that the pregnancy’s progressed, there would have never been a way to have her - it would have overlapped, we would have been able to have one baby and not the other. I think that was totally God’s grace. Some people ask, “Does it still really, really hurt?” Yes, it does and it still obviously brings me to tears but at the same time, I see our daughter now and I think she couldn’t be here if it weren’t for the sequencing and timing of the other events.

That helped me process because I felt she is exactly the baby God wanted us to have. It doesn’t diminish our other children. They are real and deserve to be celebrated just as much as our daughter who’s in the crib upstairs. That helped me realize God has a plan. He really does and He works it out in an intricate, sometimes confusing and even painful way, but it really does work out even though it sounds so cliché because people say that all the time, [laughter] “It will all work out. It works out how God wants it to.”            

Laura:  Can you share a little bit, the story about your daughter? This is amazing you guys. You’re all going to have chills. [laughs]

Madison:  We had a D&C after our second pregnancy and we got pregnant six weeks after our D&C. I had never had, with any of our miscarriages, any bleeding or spotting. With the third pregnancy, I started bleeding and spotting right before Fourth of July and so we went into the ER. My husband had a work trip coming up so he said, “We’d better figure out what’s going on.” They did a very early ultrasound at five and a half weeks. When I went in, the ER doc said, “I’m really sorry to tell you but it appears you’re going to have a molar pregnancy.”

For those of you who don't know, that’s a mass of cells that can potentially turn into cancer. It may or may not. It’s very intensive. You have to have six months of clean pap smears before you can even start trying again. It’s very rare. I said, “What are the chances that we have three miscarriages in a row?” and then also, this is a molar pregnancy.

I was just angry. Honestly, I took the piece of paper, ripped it in half and I walked out of the ER and I said, “Forget you.” My doctor told us to go and see our regular OB doctor as they were more skilled at ultrasounds and so I did. I went in the next day and they said, “I am sorry to confirm but we believe the same. It’s a molar pregnancy and this will not turn into a real baby.” My doctor, I think in trying to be merciful to us having walked this road with us, said, “We can get the D&C tomorrow. You can have it done before the holiday weekend. We don’t want you travelling.”

I went home and I talked to my husband and I said, “I can’t do this. I need to move forward and have this done. I just want it taken care of.” I was just so emotionally spent at that time. I was going to pick up the phone and call, and make the appointment and something stopped me. Our pastor had talked about leaving room in our life for God to do miracles in this day of science, and of knowing all the facts. We said, “Let’s wait. Let’s put it on Instagram. [laughter] Lets ask everyone to pray for us and wait a week,” and we did. We went in on our third anniversary. I had the D&C scheduled but we went in to the ultrasound room right before and they said, “You’re not going to believe this but we see a baby and the baby has a heartbeat. I don’t know what we saw a week ago but there is a real live baby here.” Sure enough, our real life baby is here. [laughter] She’s a healthy fifteen month old. Everyone was in disbelief but it was another story of God working miraculously.          

Laura:  Ainsley is so beautiful and to hear that story of redemption, that God brought you through is amazing. Lots of surprises and unexpected things and deep sorrows and then it feels like a complete miracle when you bring Ainsley into the story. Every time I see that little girl, I feel like there is a story of God’s redemption and healing at work, and His mercy in all of our lives.

Remembering how miscarriage comes from sin because we have broken bodies, because the world is corrupt, that’s the causation of it. That’s the reason why painful, sad things like that happen. But in God’s great mercy, He has created redeeming stories and definitely done that for you and been gracious. Like you said, Ainsely would not exist had so much of this painful story not happened. I’m so grateful that you can see the blessing in it and on the other side have hope, and how you’ve been so open in sharing your story. Is there anything else you want to add or encouragement maybe for a mom who’s specifically going through something like this?    

Madison:  I would encourage you that sometimes your greatest ministry might come in a way that you don’t think it does. I promised God, I said, “I’m going to tell everybody we know about our story and about Ainsley’s story.” It has been such an introduction to talking about God and Jesus in unexpected ways. Somebody says, “Your daughter is cute.” Sometimes I’m the weird person who says, “She is such a miracle, [laughter] let me tell you.”

Down the road, you find a great ministry through your suffering. Whether that be that your child was adopted or you ended up with a whole plethora of biological children. God writes cool stories and allows you use it for His glory.    

Laura:  That’s so true. Everything you don’t expect is for His glory. Thank you so much for being on the show Madison. I really appreciate it. You can find her blog espressoandcream.com and then find her on Instagram and Facebook.  Check her out and find her old stories. We will post her stories in the show notes. You can certainly head over to Risen Motherhood to find the direct links to some miscarriage posts that have been really impactful.

Madison:  Thanks for having me.


Emily:  I am glad you guys are joining us today for this special episode about miscarriage. Today,  I’m with my friend, Abby Hummel here. I am excited to have her. We have known each other for four or five years now, right?

Abby:  Yes, something like that.

Emily:  We met through a Bible study. We were the only two really young women in this leadership group and so we instantly bonded. Eventually her and her husband ended up at our church, and we got to know each other a lot better for several years before they moved, which was really sad. But we’re glad that they are on to other things that they should be doing with their lives. I definitely miss having her around.

Abby will be sharing more about the things that she does. She is a fellow writer and I call her in my mind a fellow theologian [laughter] whose feed discusses all things. If I have a hard-hitting question or a topic, she will sit and discuss it with me. I love that Abby has a nerdy side like I do, about different things. She has a heart for children and for her family, and for the Lord. I know you guys are going to relate to what she experienced and you’re going to leave feeling encouraged by what she has to say.

Abby, can you share a little bit about your family make up and maybe what your days look like and what you do writing wise?         

Abby:  My husband Aaron and I have been married for eight years and we have two children that are very young. They are exactly 13 months apart so they are almost two and almost one right now. Before they were born, we had three miscarriages over the course of four years. They were spread out and then right after the last one, I got pregnant with my daughter very quickly and when she was four months old, I found out I was pregnant with my son. We are like feast or famine with babies around here so I am thankful for the feast right now.     

Emily:  That keeps you super busy during the day [laughter] as I know those little ones have lots of needs. What do you do when you have any extra time on your hands, or make extra time on your hands? [laughter]

Abby:  You definitely have to make it. In my dreams, I would do crafts and write on my blog. I would have these fabulous articles and series and I would be cranking it out. In reality, I’ve moved two times in the last two years and so I have spent a lot of my free time painting trim and figuring out how to make my furniture work in different houses.

Emily:  You guys have a dog too, in the mix.

Abby:  Yes, so I keep myself busy [laughs]

Emily: Abby has an awesome blog that we will link to and she’s got a lot of articles where she talks about miscarriage. Have you done any other interviews too? I feel like you have content in other places.  

Abby:  I did one that I probably won’t link to because it’s a little bit long and rambling [laughing] but I have talked about it sometimes. I’m really happy to do this.   

Emily:  I am grateful that you’re willing to talk about this. That was one of the things that I appreciated and learned much from Abby when we were walking through this season. I might have been pregnant with my first child when we became friends. You were probably walking through your second miscarriage by then, right?   

Abby:  Yes. I remember the first time we got together. We might hit on this later but I remember you were standing out as a rare woman. You were pregnant with your son and I knew you were going to ask me what we were thinking about kids. I was honest with you and you were very gracious to enter into that with me instead of letting it become this awkward thing we didn’t talk about. That was a great gift to me.    

Emily:  The appreciation is on both sides because I think I had a lot to learn. Walking through that with you was really helpful for me to see too. It gave me a lot of different gratitude and perspective and compassion. I’m a little bit more cautious when I ask women who’ve been married for a while. I want to ask in a way that is gracious because you don’t ever know what somebody has been experiencing.

You shared that you had three miscarriages. What was that timeline like? Can you explain that experience in more detail, maybe some of the things you were feeling?   

Abby: The first time I got pregnant, I was 24 years old. I had been married for two years and I ended up losing that baby at about eight weeks along. Then a year later, almost exactly, I got pregnant again, had another miscarriage very early and then it was two years until I got pregnant again. That miscarriage was weird and funny, and there were some more complications that went along with that one, but everything happened when I was about 12 weeks along.

I had very different experiences with each situation, which really taught me a lot. There’s not just one miscarriage story that everyone has. Everyone has their own experience. I found it really challenging to my spiritual walk with the Lord. I was a Christian; I would say I’d been a Christian forever but man, I got really intimidated. I would go online and I’m searching Google, “I just had a miscarriage,” or, “What does the Bible say about miscarriage?” I was really intimidated with what I found because there wasn’t a lot of information available coming from a Christian perspective.

The stuff that I did find was usually people that would say things like, “I trusted in God the whole time. I was leaving the hospital from my D&C and I had this overwhelming sense of peace that God was sovereign and taking care of me.” That was not my experience at all and I felt like God had abandoned me, or that I was missing out on my call because I wanted to be a mom so bad. So I’m like, “Am I missing out on what God wants me to do?” The Bible doesn’t say a lot about miscarriage so how is this relevant to me at all? Am I going to be isolated forever? Am I always going to be looking at my friends who are moms and wondering if I can even fit into their lives?

Emily:  How did that send you on an exploration process? I know that you have a deep relationship with the Lord now. Do you feel like, in that time, you were able to turn to scripture? Did He lead you to some of those answers, on your own as you studied the Bible? How did you get to a more hopeful place or work through that, if you felt very abandoned?   

Abby:  I definitely hit a point after my second miscarriage where I was like, “I have to figure this out because if the Bible is not relevant for this, if I’m going through this…” It’s a really emotionally difficult thing for me. I was very, very affected. If the Bible does not speak to this and if God’s like, “Hey, I am totally sufficient for you. I’ve given you my word but you are on your own for this,” I was like, “I might have to be done with this whole Christianity thing. I have to figure out what’s going on. Screw this.”

It cemented my ability to look at scripture as a whole and not just individual verses. I used to think that maybe it was just the context. I wanted to know what was going on with the author. Where Paul was coming from and who he was writing to and I’ll figure out what he needs here. But really, the ability to look at scripture and see the gospel on every page, that’s what I needed to do to fit miscarriage into this.

Looking at it from that perspective, I was able to see that God created things to work the right way. His first command is be fruitful and multiply. God created us to procreate and have babies. It’s good that I wanted to do that and that’s what would be happening in a perfect world.

Then the fall, death comes in, so the death, very early on of a baby, happens because of the fall and then the redemption comes. Jesus paid that. Jesus also died. Jesus is the son of God and so I’m not alone in that because God had to watch His child die, and then we see the restoration. Whether it’s the Old Testament prophets like Isaiah saying, “All flesh will see the Lord together,” that will happen. Or maybe in Exodus when God’s people are going to the Promised Land and God promises them, “In the Promised Land there will be no miscarriages or barrenness.” That’s also talking about heaven. Fitting all of that in was what I needed to do, to see God at work in this and to know that I was not abandoned in my grief.

Emily:  It is so powerful to me. I love what you shared about God watching His own child die. I know that any mom that’s listening, whether she’s had a miscarriage or not, that is one of our deepest fears as soon as you have that pregnancy test, is that you’re going to lose a child. Whether that’s inside the womb or outside, I think we can all relate to that. It is just amazing to me that God can relate to that. That is an amazing truth and I’m glad you brought that out. How do you feel the redemption portion gave you hope or ultimately, how did you see God working in your life after you saw the Gospel throughout scripture and started to see all of that play out?     

Abby:  In one sense, it helped me to figure out where God wanted to use those situations for my good. A good thing that came out of that was a better understanding of how God is speaking in scripture to every situation that I face. I also feel like I had a vision for using the grief and that difficulty and those very frustrated maternal instincts that were coming along with that, to bless other people. I feel like now that I have two babies, it’s a little bit harder. I know there are people that email me and want to talk, and I am not always great at responding to those because I have so many little needs. The way that I can care for other people who are suffering, using the things that I want to do to mother the children that I will never meet, that energy gets focused on building other people up, that are also hurting and suffering.  

Emily:  Indeed, that has been an incredible ministry that has come out of this. It seems like that’s a way that you are able to share the gospel with women or speaking to tough places that you previously wouldn’t have.  

Abby:  I’m really humbled to be able to do that and I hope that it’s something other people are doing as well, because miscarriages are really common. A lot of people have miscarriages but I’m glad to see that so many people are able to talk about it in terms of the Gospel, because it’s a shame to have a common experience like this. So many women experience this. Being able to talk about it in terms of the Gospel is so important to share this with people and to give hope to them.

Emily:  If you were able to have this one-on-one coffee conversation with every woman listening who’s been through miscarriage, and is either in the grieving process or is still trying to understand if God is still for her in this, what hope would you share? Honestly, on the other side, you have two children and you’ve had a little bit of time to heal. Would you say there’s hope there?  

Abby:  The first thing primarily is that the Gospel gives us the freedom to breathe in this. and it is okay for death to be a big deal. If death was not a big deal then the fall is not a big deal, then Jesus coming back is not a big deal. This is a cornerstone so it is okay for death to be bad and for a miscarriage to take you to the depths of your soul, if that’s what needs to happen there. You don’t need to be ashamed of feeling bad about anything with that.

The other thing is by Jesus dying, you are not alone in that grief because God is there with you. We see this in that knowing God watched Jesus on the cross but also I think the Psalms are a really great place to turn in this. All throughout the Psalms we see, like in Psalms 119, “I am weary with sorrow. Strengthen me according to your Word. Psalm 31 says, “I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love for you have known my affliction,” you have known the distress of my soul. We see throughout that there are so many times we see, “I am in sorrow, I am weary, I am afflicted, I am in pain,” and God says, “I am with you. My Word is the ocean for you.”  

Emily:  That is really encouraging even for me to hear and be reminded.

Abby:  You’re not alone. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and that is our comfort. His Word preserves our life.

Emily:  Abby, I have been really encouraged by talking with you today and hearing the way the Lord brought you through this and continues to bring you through it and has given you a gracious heart to minister this to other women and helped you point them to Jesus, which is the answer for all of us.

No matter where you’re at or what you’re struggling with, we don’t want to make it more complicated than it is but at the end of the day, we all need to turn our eyes upon Him and rest our hope in Him. I’m so glad that you are willing to share today. I wish we had another whole episode [laughter] to talk with you about your cute babies and all of the things that happened after that. I hope that we were able to at least get this part out that needs to be talked about.

We will have on our show notes today a link to Abby’s blog. We’ll have a lot of articles that are relevant if you are struggling through a miscarriage. Abby and Madison have both been really gracious to provide a lot of good resources there. Thank you again for joining us. You can find us on risenmotherhood.com. If you have any feedback about this or you have any questions or you want to get connected to them, you can always email us too. Thank you guys for listening and thanks for being here Abby.       

Abby:  Thanks for having me Emily.


Ep. 24 || Joy In Motherhood Transcript


Ep. 26 || When Birth Doesn’t Go According To Plan Transcript