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Contentment in Every Season
Psalm 16 helps us pursue contentment in Christ through treasuring, trusting, and turning to God in every season of motherhood.
God Won’t Waste Your Life
When our motherhood achievements don’t feel valuable or impressive enough, we can remind our hearts of the freedom, the call, and the glory of Christ.
Learning Contentment in Unwanted Places
When contentment in our circumstances seems impossible, we can be encouraged by Paul’s example of learning to depend on Christ and find ultimate joy in him.
A Time to Go, A Time to Stay: Embracing God’s Calling in Each Season
In the unseen, ordinary work of motherhood, we can remember that God values and rewards our faithful service.
The Grace of Comparison
Instead of discouraging us, comparison can be a means of God’s grace at work in our lives transforming us more into the image of Christ.
Have I Missed My True Calling?
The idea of callings can be confusing. Instead of viewing callings as a way to find fun and fulfillment, let’s remember they’re fundamentally an opportunity to glorify God and find our purpose in him.
Our Longing for God Himself
No matter how many good gifts we give and receive at Christmas, it’s never enough to satisfy our children’s expectations or our own hearts. But God sent us the gift of himself in Jesus—a gift we can enjoy forever.
The Gift of a Hidden Season: Trusting God’s Plan
We often desire to be seen and noticed, but when we’re hidden from others we may find the blessing of seeing the Lord more clearly.
Learning to Love What Must Be Done
Motherhood is a lot of work. Some of it feels rewarding. Some of it is just necessary. What if we could learn to love the things we have to do, not just the things we want to do?
The Secret of Being Content
When brokenness is all around us, can we still be content? Through Christ, we can.
A Longing for Home: A Longing for Him
Contentment and eagerness are two sides of the same coin.
Technology and the Root of Discontentment
We often look for someone to blame when we’re confronted with our sin, don’t we? Social media is an easy target, but the internet isn’t the only thing that incites envy.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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