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The Hallway: Trusting God in the Middle of Motherhood
We can trust God in our motherhood both looking forward (at the days to come) and back (at past mistakes).
Praying the Word: When You Struggle with Doubt
Jesus’ love for Thomas in his disbelief compels us to bring our own doubts and questions before the Lord in prayer, trusting him to renew our faith.
The Results Are In! Our 2022 Survey of Christian Motherhood
We heard from nearly 10,000 moms on the trials and triumphs of Christian motherhood today.
Jesus, Our Anchor in Suffering
In the midst of dark storms like postpartum depression, a scary medical diagnosis, or shepherding a rebellious child, we can cling to these truths: Jesus understands us, he prays for us, and he will never fail or leave us.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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