Articles Filed Under: Pregnancy & Postpartum
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Stolen Years: Trusting Christ with Our Suffering
When suffering keeps us from investing in our families the way we’d hoped, we take comfort that God can use it to point our children to him as their ultimate caregiver.
Waiting for Deliverance: How the Final Weeks of Pregnancy Point Us to Christ
As we wait out the uncomfortable last weeks of pregnancy, we can turn our eyes towards the truer, better deliverance to come in Christ Jesus.
Trusting God as Your Family Grows
When we’re overwhelmed at the prospect of welcoming another child, we can anchor our plans and rest our worries on God—who is sovereignly working out good for our families.
Can God Reorder Even This? A Story of Preterm Labor
Through the unknowns of a high-risk pregnancy, we can trust in the God who works to bring order from disorder—and who never leaves our side along the way.
No Boast but Christ: Walking through Postpartum Anxiety
When postpartum anxiety reminds us of our inability to boast in ourselves, we can lean into the Savior whose “power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).
Gospel Hope and Our Birth Plans
When birth stories don’t go according to plan, we can look ahead in hope to Christ, our true Deliverer—who will one day free us from all effects of the curse.
Just You Wait: Looking Ahead with Hope
As we experience different stages of motherhood, we can faithfully cast a vision of God’s faithfulness for those in seasons behind us.
The Gift of Time: 5 Practical Tips for New Moms
There are many demands on our time in the postpartum stage but also precious opportunities for rest, growth, thankfulness, and ministry to others.
Be Still and Notice: Savoring God’s Love in a Chaotic World
In the midst of a busy, distracted world, incorporating a few simple practices in our lives can keep us grounded in God’s ever-present care for us.
8 Ways to Spiritually Thrive in the Newborn Season
There are many ways we can cultivate our relationship with the Lord, even when we’re short on time and sleep.
Two Truths & a Lie about Hormones
Our hormones are tools in God’s hands for our good and his glory.
With God, Nothing is Wasted
Whether we work inside or outside of the home, we trade the worth that we find in our work for the worth of the finished work of Jesus.
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