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Strength Under Control: Growing in Gentleness as a Mom
Not an innate personality bent so much as a divine fruit of the Spirit, gentleness is something we receive from Christ and then pass on to our children—strength under control.
A Gospel Dressing Room
Just as we willingly (and repeatedly!) stand by to help our children get dressed, so is the Spirit pleased to help us daily put on Christ’s righteousness.
The Truth about Control
Instead of trying to control every outcome for our family, we can depend daily on the One who alone produces the fruitfulness we long for.
Want to Be a Patient Mom? Look to Jesus
When we struggle with impatience as moms, we turn to Christ as our perfect example of patience and hope.
Faithfulness: Showing Our Kids God’s Commitment to Us
God’s faithfulness to us enables our faithfulness in motherhood.
Patience: More Than a Virtue for Motherhood
It’s easy to tell our kids that “patience is a virtue,” but we need the work of the Holy Spirit to truly demonstrate it.
Joy: Why Motherhood Doesn’t Have to be Ideal to Have Joy
Joy doesn’t come from an ideal day of motherhood, it comes from the One who is sovereign over all of our days.
Self-Control: A Mother’s Strategy to Love Like Christ
When we’d rather indulge ourselves and our sin, self-control is God’s grace working in us to love and serve like Christ.
Peace: Blessed are the Peacemaking Mothers
No matter what is going on around us, we can have peace in motherhood because, in Christ, we have peace with God.
Goodness: Becoming a Good Mother
A good mother isn’t good because of what she does, but because of what Christ has done for her.
Gentleness: Parenting with Grace
Moms can be gentle tools, used by the Lord to form our children into the image of Christ.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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