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A Call to Mobile Discipleship
Talking to our kids about the gospel can happen anytime, anywhere—not just during family devotions. Even the most routine parts of our days can be gospel moments.
Redeeming the Little Moments of Motherhood
Large blocks of free time can be hard to come by for moms. But turning to the Lord in our little moments can make a big difference.
The Gift of a Hidden Season: Trusting God’s Plan
We often desire to be seen and noticed, but when we’re hidden from others we may find the blessing of seeing the Lord more clearly.
Little by Little
We often grow weary of little progress and little thanks as we care for little people. The Risen Motherhood book shows us how God uses all moments of motherhood, big and small, in his grand plan of redemption as he transforms our hearts, little by little.
The Gift of Neediness
Being pushed to our knees reminds us of our faithful God. Potty training is one way that happens.
Seize the Phase
Passing on Bible truths can happen at any moment; you just need to be ready to take the opportunity.
Toothpaste and Sanctification
Christ didn’t suffer on the cross so we could just survive motherhood. Rather, he defeated death so we could live as righteous ones. As we choose to serve our families with joy and out of love for God, we are transformed by grace into Christ-likeness—yes, through car pick up lines, nighttime wake ups, and toothpaste spills.
Did We Finish Any Good Work This Year?
We changed diapers, made afterschool snacks, and ran errands. But did we finish anything that truly mattered?
An Assignment From God
Sometimes motherhood seems mind-numbingly repetitive—clean up from lunch, make more food, clean up again. But the work we do is actually an assignment from God, giving meaning to the everyday realities of motherhood.
Tending Your Garden
Whether your days are spent primarily in an office or at home (or in an office at home), you have been given meaningful work to do. The God of creation has given you the ministry of bearing his image, making disciples, and tending your garden.
Might as Well Laugh, Mama
“When my oldest was three, we had a small concrete pad poured to host our trash and recycling bins. Just as the workers were finishing up, she and my husband, David, went outside to check on the progress, see if they needed anything, and admire their work from a safe distance.
Five seconds of small talk later, the three-year-old looked up at him, looked up at the workers, and took off in a sprint. I need not tell you in which direction.
David reports she ran full-tilt and leaped, arms and fingers splayed, with the slow-mo perfect form angle of an Olympic long jumper, landing three-year-old feet, hands, and booty into freshly-poured concrete.
Now, it’s easy to tell David’s funny story here. It’s easy to laugh, because I wasn’t in it.
But the truth is I’m “in it” a hundred times in a normal day. And I’m rarely laughing. Because I can rarely see in the moment anything beyond the loads of laundry or how many Brawneys it’s going to take to clean this up or whether or not this is going to make us late for school.
Which is why I’m so thankful for my sisterfriends—the women who are also “in it” every day, who still take the time to remind me to laugh and lean into the crazy and not get swallowed up by it.
They remind me that God—not me—is responsible for setting concrete and growing babies, and perhaps I’m freer to laugh than I realized, particularly when my daughter reports she just successfully flushed the potty with her mouth.
When you put your trust in his son Jesus, you find he’s had his arms wrapped around you all along. And just as we whisper into the ears of a tearful child, “I’ve got you,” God’s promises ring true in scripture to remind us of his sovereignty and grace in our lives.
God has us, even in the hard, even in the ridiculous.
So laugh, my friend. Laugh with the abandon of your head tossed back and loud enough for others to hear and with the delight of a daughter.”
Passing Along Our Heritage: Teaching the Gospel in All of Life
In our own unique ways—with our giftings, interests, and resources—we can build a gospel culture in our homes and teach our children what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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