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Caring for a Despairing World
The needs of our broken world can be overwhelming, but we need not despair—we can care, pray, and act as we trust God to bring ultimate healing.
I'm Not the Mom I Thought I'd Be
We may not be the moms we thought we’d be, but in Christ, we can be moms who cling to the cross and rest in God’s sufficiency.
Jesus, Our Anchor in Suffering
In the midst of dark storms like postpartum depression, a scary medical diagnosis, or shepherding a rebellious child, we can cling to these truths: Jesus understands us, he prays for us, and he will never fail or leave us.
I Never Wanted to Become a Desperate Mom
Moms, wherever you are at today - strong, desperate, or somewhere in between - remember that if you are a follower of Christ there is only ONE STORY that defines you, and ONE PERSON who tells you who you are.
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We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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Get our free prayer resource with thirty days of prayer prompts for mom and fun activities to teach your children too.
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