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Six Tips for Getting into God's Word as a Mom of Young Children
In high school and college I spent a lot of time in scripture, but as I started working, got married and had really little littles, I wasn't spending a lot of time in the Bible. I hunted and pecked here and there, did a few inductive Bible Studies – my time and depth ebbed and flowed depending on what I was involved in and who was holding me accountable.
And with the lack of time, I felt some of my passion for God dry up. If you asked me, I would have told you I wanted a more passionate relationship with the Lord, but I'd tell you that for one reason or another I was just kinda going through a dry spell. And if I were honest with you – if I were honest with myself – I would have told you that I believed God was the distant one, not me.
Why Every Young Mom Should Make Time for Ministry
In these little years, it can be easy to convince ourselves it's not practical to serve outside my home. But a vital part of raising our children to know and love the Lord is showing them that loving God means loving others.
Why You Don't Have to Love Your Postpartum Body
Gaining and losing nearly 140 lbs. in the span of four years, well, that'll do a number on your body.
After every baby, at about four weeks post-partum, I've looked longly at my pre-baby jeans and wondered why I ever thought I wasn't skinny enough. I looked at the width of the leg opening, the number on the tag and I prayed that, 1) someday I'd fit into them again, and 2) if I do, that I'd actually appreciate it and love my body for it.
Encouragement for the Weary Mom
A letter to the weary mom from a weary mom. God can be your refuge, hiding place, strength, comforter, redeemer, and faithful help in time of need.
Carry the Message of Grace to Your Children
Even if you only shared the basic message of the gospel with your child 1 time every 2 weeks, by the age of 5, they will have already heard the good news of Jesus about 130 times.
130 times for the pattern of of creation, fall, restoration, redemption to be heard and absorbed.
Seven Opportunities to Speak Life-Giving Words to Your Children
So, you want to speak life-giving words to your littles, but you feel awkward getting started? Here are a few natural times that you can practice today.
Why Nurturing Your Infant Matters for Eternity
It might seem like what you're doing isn't THAT big of a deal. It might feel like ANYONE can change diapers or give bottles or rock a baby. And yes, to some extent, that's true. But you are doing so much more than JUST meeting physical needs.
When you choose to love an infant well: singing that quiet song, using that dorky voice, smiling in that silly way, reading that repetitive book, or feeding that messy snack - you are displaying God's love.
Parent with Prayer
I'd pretty much exhausted all of my usual strategies for discipline when I came to my husband and said, "I'm just out of ideas for how to handle this. What should I do?"
When Momma Loves the Bible, Her Children Notice
When quiet times aren’t exactly quiet, we can be tempted to wonder, “Is all of this even worth it?” We’ve been there too. But the truth is: it is worth it! Because when momma loves her Bible, her children notice.
Theology is for Moms of Little Ones, Too
With four young children, a moment of quiet or predictable consistency is hard to come by. Even with my best efforts to be organized and intentional, it’s still difficult to stay engaged in regular bible study, to disciple women, to fellowship regularly with other believers, or to serve in ways that pull me out of my home. The desire is there, but so are the dirty diapers, the naptime routines, the laundry piles, and the mundane things that keep our family going.
All the distractions, setbacks, and challenges occasionally leave me wondering if theological growth just isn’t possible for a woman in the season of young children. I’ve wondered if I should just shrug at my inconsistent quiet times, and parched prayer life. I’ve contemplated sitting out of the women’s bible study or leaving our calendar free of hospitable meals because it’s just too hard.
So for every mom of little ones who is longing to see her relationship with God as bigger than the elusive “quiet time”, this list is for you.
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