How do I Choose a School Option for my Child?
Explore our conTENT
Deciding how to educate your child can feel overwhelming, but because of the gospel,
we have freedom.
With a growing number of sound options and many opinions on the superior choice, the decision for education can send any sane parent into a tailspin. But thankfully, the Bible doesn’t detail the best option for every Christian family, it only mandates parents to faithfully raise their children in the instruction of the Lord, teaching them to love God and others as they follow God’s design for life. While there are strengths and weaknesses to any choice, when a believing parent has a humble heart and desire to honor the Lord in the circumstances he’s given them, God will direct their path and work all things for their good in Christ.
Below you'll find a variety of resources that a parent or family can use to prayerfully converse about different schooling choices. There are podcast episodes from our Freedom in School Choice series, our School Choice Questionnaire, and many related articles and resources that we pray will help in your decision-making process.
We understand how daunting this decision can feel (We’re right there beside you trying to make the best choices for our children too!) but we are hopeful these questions can serve as a launch point for thought, prayer, and discussion as you navigate the options.
Freedom in School Choice Series

Think Biblically About School Choice - Questions for Thought and Discussion
In this free download, you’ll find a list of questions developed from a biblical lens that a parent or guardian can use to prayerfully converse and think about different educational options for their children. We’re hopeful these questions can serve as a launch point for thought, prayer and discussion as you navigate the options.
This is a free, downloadable PDF. Please print as many as you like, and feel free to share this resource with your friends. If you choose to link to this document, please link to this page, rather than directly to the PDF.
Things Moms Can Do as the COVID-19 School Year Approaches - Emily Jensen, Risen Motherhood
School Choice as Stewardship - Risen Motherhood
Do Christian Parents Flirt with the Idol of Education - The Gospel Coalition
School Choice: Deciding What’s Best For Your Family - Melissa Kruger
Education and Division - Tim Challies
Education is a Mandate, Not a Choice - Sally Clarkson
The Great Vision of Christian Education - Justin Taylor
Why Back to School is for All of Us - ERLC
Home School, Private School, or Public School? - The Village Church
A Prayer for Trusting Jesus As We Make Big Decisions - The Gospel Coalition
25 Questions To Ask About School Options - The Better Mom
Education Mini-Series - The Kindled Podcast
Educating Our Kids - Exploring The Options - Trevin Wax
Wisdom, Humility, and School Options in a Time of COVID - Kyle Worley
Knowing God’s Will (specifically about school choice in a time of COVID-19) - Cornerstone Equip Podcast
4 Ways to Help Our Kids Grow in Christ Through Education - Jessica Burke
How to Choose Schooling for Your Child: Public, Christian, Classical, Home, Co-Op? - Brenda Rodger
Perspectives on Our Children's Education: A Private Enterprise - The Gospel Coalition
Public, Private, Online, Homeschool? - John Piper
Pros and Cons of Private School - Focus on the Family
Perspectives on Our Children's Education: Going Public - The Gospel Coalition
Why We Send Our Kids to the Poorest Public School - Christianity Today
Five Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Public School - ERLC
Know Your Rights as a Christian in a Public School - The Gospel Coalition
How to Raise an Alien Child - The Gospel Coalition
Sanctification by Homeschooling - Clarissa Moll
Perspectives on Our Children's Education: Homeward Bound - The Gospel Coalition
3 Reasons Not To Homeschool - Christina Fox
What are You Relying on in your Education Philosophy? - Sally Clarkson
A Few Thoughts on Wholehearted Homeschooling - Sally Clarkson
Related Podcast Episodes from R|M
Related Articles & Resources
We've rounded up a collection of thought-provoking and interesting education articles from around the internet. While we think they're helpful to think through as you make your decisions, the RM team does not necessarily agree with or endorse every opinion in these pieces, and they are not a reflection of our personal shool choices. Our hope is that they spark good conversation in your own homes and help offer new viewpoints for your consideration. Enjoy!
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