Ep. 22 || Idols of a Mom's Heart
In motherhood, we all value different things. Whether it's a clean house, a well-kept schedule, a rockin' postpartum body, a perfectly balanced work/home life, an easy day, an obedient child, a certain type of diet, a frugal budget, or praise for your hard work, all moms have preferences and desires. The problem isn't necessarily with our ideals, but with our hearts. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common idols in motherhood (including their own). While we can sometimes be guilty of making good things too important, in Christ we are cleansed from all of our idols, and are set free to worship God.
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
The Idol's of a Mother's Heart - Christina Fox
What is Idolatry? - Ask Pastor John
My Dragon Skin Torn Off - Luma Simms
Counterfeit Gods - Timothy Keller
X-Ray Questions - David Powlison (longer explanation here)
Idols of a Mom's Heart - Ruth Simons
Don't Turn Motherhood into an Idol - David Prince
When Homemaking Becomes Idolatrous - Jeanne Harrison
An Idol Hunt - Kimberly Wagner
Worship the Creator Not the Created - Daniel Ross
Mentioned in this Episode:
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