Ep. 20 || When Potty Training is a Struggle
So you tried all the juice boxes, sticker charts, boot camps, and Pinterest parenting articles and your child still isn't potty trained? Well, you're not alone. While potty training is easy for some, for others, it can mean weeks, months or dare I say, years, of accidents and reminders. This type of frustration has more spiritual significance than we give it credit for, because it's the daily struggles that reveal what's really lurking in our mommy-heart. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their potty training setbacks, and the opportunity for growth God has given them along the way.
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Parenthood: The Lab of Gospel Growth - Brent Bounds
Parenting is Hard for a Reason - Christina Fox
Potty Training and the Gospel - Who knew? - Paula: All Things Moms
The Sanctifying Work of Parenthood - Christina Fox
Motherhood Sanctifies - Kristin Schmucker
Sanctification Through Motherhood - Carlie Kercheval: The Better Mom
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