Ep. 137 || Walking & Learning Together: How Moms in the Local Church Help One Another
We see each other every week at church, but our relationships can grow into more than just a quick wave in the lobby while a toddler hangs from our knee. We’re supposed to the church body, supporting and caring for one another by God’s grace as we grow together in Christ. In this episode, the Risen Motherhood team shares how their local church communities have helped them in various seasons. The church plays a vital role in the Christian’s life, and while it’s not perfect, God uses the church to help us grow in wisdom and maturity.
If you’re reading Risen Motherhood while listening to the show this week, check out chapter thirteen: The Gospel and Our Christian Community.
Ladies on the Podcast:
[3:45] Emily Jensen is the co-founder of Risen Motherhood and co-host of the weekly podcast. She and her family reside in central Iowa. Her first book, co-written with Laura Wifler, is titled Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments. You can find her on Instagram, Twitter, and at her website.
[8:08] Quina Aragon is an author and spoken word artist who resides in Tampa, FL. Her children's book, Love Made, poetically retells the story of creation through a Trinitarian lens of overflowing joy and love. You can find Quina on her website QuinaAragon.com, and on Twitter and Instagram as @Quina_Aragon.
[11:24] Winfree Brisley is the Editor for Risen Motherhood and a contributor for The Gospel Coalition. She is a wife and mom to three boys living in Charlotte, North Carolina and enjoys sharing her love of scripture through writing and speaking.
[12:44] Laura Wifler is the co-founder of Risen Motherhood and co-host of the weekly podcast. She and her family reside in central Iowa. Her first book, co-written with Emily Jensen, is titled Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments. You can find her on Instagram and at her website.
Mentioned on the Show:
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Related R|M Resources:
Ep. 65, Finding My Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community?
Ep. 122, Building Friendships with Women in Different Seasons: An Interview with Elizabeth Woodson
Ep. 128, “I Just Can’t Make it to Bible Study!”: How Busy Moms Get Involved
“Members, Not Measures: A Call to Own One Another’s Joys and Sorrows” Abbey Wedgeworth
Around the Web:
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Consider grabbing a copy of Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word to learn how to study God’s word with your heart and mind.
R|M Apply Questions:
Churches have various music styles, service times, and nursery drop-off protocols. While our churches may look different from one another, they serve the same mission. What do you think that is?
Let’s remember God’s past faithfulness to us through his people. How have members of your local church encouraged and challenged you? Did their love-in-action stir you up for good works?
God gives the model in Titus 2:3-5 to encourage us towards intergenerational relationships within our church community. You need an older woman in your life, but you also are an older woman for someone in your church. How does this model—of both receiving and giving encouragement—serve women in the church body?
We have a special bond with our church family because we’re united in Christ. How does this deepen relationships despite personal differences like interests, backgrounds, personalities, or seasons of life?
It can be easy to think of ways people in your church could come alongside you and serve you in this season. Consider the needs of the women around you. How can you serve a woman in your church this week?
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