Ep. 106 || Seeing & Serving the Vulnerable Mom
Tired, overwhelmed, hurting, and lonely. Every mom struggles in different ways, but there are some moms whose experiences make them vulnerable in society. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel changes us at the heart level so we can see and serve others with humility. Our challenges are different, but our common dependence on Christ encourages us as we love the vulnerable women in our communities.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
When Helping Hurts - Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert
Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands - Paul David Tripp
Toxic Charity - Robert D. Lupton
Is the Bible Good for Women? - Wendy Alsup
“Justice Needs a Face” - Bethany Jenkins
“Wrapping Around Foster and Adoptive Families” - Jason Johnson
“Women with a Past with Dr. Sandra Glahn” - Journeywomen
“How You Can Resolve to Help the Vulnerable this Year” - Christy Britton
“21 Places Women Emerge Front and Center in Scripture’s Storyline” - Eric Schumacher
MLK50: Ministry on the Margins: Immigration, Refugees, and Ministry to the Vulnerable
“Is God a Misogynist?” - Mary Willson
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R|M Apply Questions:
Not all of us understand the many nuances of the situations and difficulties some moms experience, but we know scripture calls us to carry one another’s burdens, to count others as more significant than ourselves, and to faithfully represent Christ’s sacrificial love to everyone we meet. In today’s episode, we scratched the surface of an important topic, hoping to jumpstart further conversations in your homes. We hope you’ll continue to pray for and seek out the vulnerable women in your communities, seeing needs and meeting them as you’re able.
The fall touched every part of creation, meaning brokenness affects every aspect of our lives. For this reason, many women struggle through heavy suffering, leaving them,and their children,with significant needs. What types of struggles might make a woman vulnerable in today’s society? What are some practical needs associated with these types of struggles? (Example: single moms may need help with childcare.)
It can be challenging to connect with a vulnerable mom when you’re busy with your normal routine. But God’s word calls us to care for the exploited, disadvantaged, and outcasts of society, so we should actively look for “least of these” in our communities. What are some ways you could interact with moms who are different than you?
We don’t want to set out to “save” other moms or act as if we have all the answers to a mom’s problems or situation. By God’s grace, many of us are in a position where we can expect to be safe and have our basic needs met. Therefore, what is the heart behind reaching out to vulnerable women? How does our understanding of God’s grace towards us create humility as we love others?
Relationships take time, effort, and sacrifice. This will be true of a new friendship with a vulnerable mom too. Consider your normal family rhythm. What are some ways you could invite a new mom into your life, and what might you need to adjust in order to do so? (Ex. Inviting a mom and her children over for a weekly meal requires your time, grocery resources, etc.)
Lastly, as we model God’s love by caring for the vulnerable, we model to our children what it looks like to be disciples of Christ. From prayer to activities—like prepping back-to-school backpacks for other children or driving a mom to work each week—we can include our children in serving others. How can you bring your children into this mission?
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